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Episode #23 How to Harness Your Energy & Achieve “Flow State” with Melissa Zoske

If you’ve ever felt stuck, burnt out, overwhelmed, or stressed, this week’s episode is for you. Nicole is talking to Melissa Zoske, an energy alignment business mentor who helps coaches, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs clear their success blocks and step into the highest version of themselves.

Many of us have subconscious beliefs that we may have inherited from as far back as childhood that can affect everything in our lives, including our business. Melissa’s work helps to tap into your intuition and use strategic aligned action steps to tap into a flow state.

Melissa and Nicole cover:
1. How to follow your negative beliefs and energy blocks back to find their trigger
2. What a flow state should feel like, and how to get there
3. How negative programming can be passed down through family systems, and how you can stop that from happening in your own family
4. How your negative beliefs around worthiness and self-worth can affect your business


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Nicole Laino
Hello, and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I am your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a special guest, Melissa zosky is here with us today. And Melissa is a energy alignment business mentor. And she helps coaches healers and spiritual entrepreneurs clear their success blocks and step into the highest version of themselves. Melissa, welcome to the show, please introduce yourself and kind of I’d give you that brief introduction. But tell the listeners a little bit about you.

Melissa Zoske
Oh, thank you. Well, I am an energy alignment business mentor, as Nicole said, and I help entrepreneurs clear their beliefs and negative programming that they have around their business. So I always say if you’re not, if your business is not aligned to your energy, then you’re going to really struggle with build building it up and really getting it going or maybe even going to that next level. So it’s really important to have your energy aligned on all ways. And then I help them us tap into their intuition and use strategic aligned action steps to ease into that business flow that they want. So they don’t have that burnout, overwhelming stress.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I mean, this is the this is what we talk about on the show a lot. So I’m excited for you to add to this conversation and give your perspective. You said business, you know, their when their business is not allowed, aligned with their energy, that that’s where things can become difficult. Can you talk a little bit about what that means to have your business aligned with your energy?

Melissa Zoske
Yes, it’s like when you feel that flow, and you’re not feeling all freaked out and stressed out and running around, busy, busy, busy, and it just doesn’t feel right doesn’t feel good, you feel yourself getting that burnout, feeling. When you’re aligned, you feel like things are easier things are in flow, you are just getting things done quickly, you feel like there’s not a lot of resistance. And I mean, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to work, right? Because you still have to put the action steps, I’m not into the oh, we’re just gonna think it like the law of attraction, we’re just gonna think it and align to the future thought and this is gonna happen. I believe in align action. Because that means when you’re tapping into intuition, and you know, God source universe is giving you those downloads, and those nudges to move forward. Those are the those are the alignment that you want, so that you can really get into that step into that flow. And it feels good, it doesn’t feel stressful, it doesn’t feel like hard work. It’s still action. It’s still work. But it’s more fun. You have a better time at it. And you just I don’t know. It’s just that feeling of flow. That’s how I like to look at it.

Nicole Laino
And is that the is the first step. The you know, in thinking about this in starting that journey, is it tuning into your intuition? Is that kind of square one for people when they’re starting out with this when they say things are tough? I am experiencing resistance. I am not in flow? is the first step kind of to tune in and see what the universe is giving you pay attention, or do you start someplace else?

Melissa Zoske
No, I’m glad you asked that. So I always work from the emotional point first. So I follow the emotional breadcrumbs back to where the disharmony started, where the trigger started, where the energy just started going, you know, zapping out where it shouldn’t be. And, you know, there I always say that our natural state is an abundant state, our natural state is a healthy state, our natural state is the state of flow and ease, right? It’s not supposed to be a state of anger or a natural state of, you know, this disharmony like natural state of not being healthy. It’s not supposed to be those we’re supposed to feel amazing. So whenever we are feeling like, Ah, I don’t want to do this or you get agitated or triggered. This last week, for instance, even though I’m a healer, that’s part of what I do is I’m a healer. I still was triggered this last week. So the first thing I did was like, Okay, what is this? What emotion Am I having? And it was emotion of just not feeling good enough. I didn’t feel as good as other people doing what I do. And I was triggered by that. And so I felt myself pulling back into myself, and just kind of wanting to run and hide and not do this anymore. And then I was like, Alright, so where is this starting? So I use a form of muscle testing. It’s not, I don’t, it’s not really muscle testing. It’s energy testing, where I go back, oftentimes just down generations. So father’s side, mother’s side, how many generations back and I look for the root in that you know, those cellular memories that we inherit, because we inherit more than hair and eye color. From our ancestors. We inherit those beliefs, traumas, patterns. So as I’m following the to the earliest route from that emotion, then I’m able to kind of pick up okay, this is where I don’t feel good enough. This is where I feel lack. This is where I feel like, you know, I can’t do anything, right. And so then I work on healing that you know those underlying root causes. And I feel better. And I’m like, okay, the beauty of this work is that when you work on one thing, you’re working on everything. So for instance, I’m not good enough that one belief, if you have that plan, in your subconscious, what happens is that your cells could hear, I’m not good enough. And what happens then is like, your liver doesn’t function, your cells don’t detox, you know, all sorts of things could go wrong with your health, right. But if I’m not good enough, in a relationship could mean you attract people that treat your crappy, you know, they’ll treat you good at all, or I’m not good enough to be, I’m not attracting clients, they don’t think I’m good enough. So they’re not going to buy my products or services. And it all just goes out to what you, you know, you put out you get back. And that’s the vibration. That’s energy. And so again, back to your question, I kind of went off a rabbit hole here. I start with the emotions, and then I work my way back, you know, just following that emotional breadcrumb back to the earliest memories. And then Id what, you know, other emotions might be attached to it too. And it’s really a good way to really check in with yourself. And, you know, face it, we are all having emotions all the time. Right. And some other words, don’t feel so good.

Nicole Laino
Absolutely. And you know, and your triggers are a gift. Like, if you’re if you’re emotionally connected to something, then it is, you know, like you said, our, our natural state is, is actually neutral. Aren’t our natural state is perfect flow, perfect, you know, neutrality, just just things are good. Yeah. Or, you know, like, we’re just in harmony. And if you’re not experiencing harmony, then that is a clue to the pathway, you’ve gotta go down to figure out exactly, you know, and I liked Debbie Ford put it that, that, you know, it’s if you plug yourself into an electric socket, that is not live, then nothing will happen. Meaning that you are not connected to it, like you’re connected to it, but it has no charge for you. If it has a charge, then that’s letting you know that that is a live wire, and you need to dismantle it. So when you are when you’re emotionally triggered by something, I love thinking about it that way, like Oh, I’m plugged into this business isn’t as triggering me. If it’s triggering me, then that’s something I should explore in a way that’s curious and not judgmental.

Melissa Zoske
I love that analogy. That was awesome. The Live Wire perfect.

Nicole Laino
I can’t I can’t take credit for it, Debbie for good. No, and I love this. Because, you know, you were talking about, you know, not being worthy. I’m not good enough. And I think there’s this misconception that only happens in the beginning, that it’s so you become worthy. You become enough. And the truth is, is that every time you go to read, you know, that’s the new level new devil. Okay, I have now become worthy of and look around you, what you have is what you feel worthy of? Yes. And then and then if you are trying to get more, you have to now close that gap between what you feel worthy of now and what you want and feeling worthy of that. So I think that that’s one of it just sort of wanted to put that out there. Perfect. That this is this is an ongoing process people like, right, you know, Tony Robbins has some level, there’s something he doesn’t feel good enough for. I don’t know what it is. But I’m sure that even for him, he’s like, yeah, no, that’s just that, you know, I gotta work on that on that next level. Maybe it’s making $50 billion.

Melissa Zoske
Oh, my God. What’s that billion dollar mark? Oh, my gosh, no, I totally get it like even this last week, I was in clubhouse. And I think you and I’ve talked about that a little bit. And I was like, I have these emotions come up for an example. And I was like, I felt myself pulling back into my solar plexus I was pulling back in and I was like, Where’s this coming from? And I felt like back in kindergarten. That was the what I did go into that first day of school never been decreased. And just feeling like so out of place and not fitting in. And those feelings of I’m not good enough. I don’t fit. Nobody wants me, you know those type of things. But think about that. Nobody wants me that goes to your business. And you put that out, and then nobody’s gonna want you. So you know, but it’s like, I’ve been doing this for years. And I have a great following and awesome clients and love them. But yeah, you still do something that triggers something and you need to work on it. And it’s a blessing, like you said, because we have an opportunity to work at those new layers and it will help you grow and manifest things so much quicker Once you clear those out and it becomes so much easier.

Nicole Laino
Well and isn’t it better to recognize it when you do something? Very, very low risk, like stepping into a room on clubhouse for the first time and feeling that and working through that. So identifying it being like this makes me feel like Being on the playground when I was in kindergarten, or this makes me and all of mine go back to the playground I was saying the other day, I was like, I had a terrible playground experience because there are a lot of awful memories that I’m like, completely scarred by. But, but you know, go back to the playground, relive that, like, what a gift it is for it to be in this situation. And not when you have thrown money at something and you have you’ve, you’ve invested all of this stuff, and you’ve ignored the fact that you didn’t feel worthy. You ignored the fact that nobody wants you. You’ve ignored it, you shoved it away. Still there, yes, that no Lariat is funking up everything that you are trying to do. So when we say like I’m doing all the things, but it’s not happening. That’s when you’ve got to really look because you’ve been given the signs all along, and you’ve ignored them. But when you notice them with something little like I’m going into a club restroom, I feel very, I feel really exposed and exposed. I feel vulnerable right now. No, like it. Let’s let’s dig into what this is. You clear that out? And that’s gone?

Melissa Zoske
Yeah, it is. It’s so freeing. It’s just and you know, people don’t give enough credit, especially like the childhood memories, especially when they don’t feel like I say that anything like under the age of five is like 100 times amplified. So even though today logically, we’re like, well, that really wasn’t that big of a deal. So let’s just let it go forget about it. But your five year old self was like, Oh, my God, you know, just like, it was horrible at that time. And so that’s amplified, you know, playing underneath the surface 24/7 and your subconscious sending out that broadcast of fear of lack of, I don’t fit in, I’m not wanted, I’m not needed, those things are replaying. And we don’t want that going out. So yeah, we need to take it out.

Nicole Laino
You clear it? Yeah. And if you remember it, is it’s there. Like, if you go back and you still feel something if you’re still plugged into that moment. Like I remember, I remember being called ugly on the playground when I was like, I probably was like eight years old, scarred. I’m there. I’m in that moment. So I could say it wasn’t a big deal. It was, I remember the boy, I remember like, I remember, I’m on that playground, if I am living that moment over and over again. Like, if I can call it back that easily. Then it’s in there and causing mayhem. without me realizing it. It is it is this. It is this like little sinister little thing that’s just causing causing me holding me back in some way.

Melissa Zoske
Now think about that memory that you can remember. And now think about going back generations to those things that you’ve inherited as well and add that to the mix. And you’re like, crap, what am I going to do? I mean, how am I ever going to get through this, the beauty of this work that whether it’s EFT whether it’s other kind of energy, work, Reiki, whatever you’re doing to help clear these out, is when you are working on the frequency, it actually starts to it’s best to ID the earliest that you can for sure. But even if you find something maybe a little older, because you’ve blocked out memories or covered them up whatever the energy that you’re working on, does grab the other resonating frequencies, which helps you clear it out more, and the more will come forward as it’s ready. So it’s really a cool process. Don’t you think? I know that you work with all this with your, your rapid manifesting method? Is that what it’s called? Yeah,

Nicole Laino
rapid manifestation method, although I’ve heard that they’re changing the name of it, though. For now, it was called that. But it’s, yeah, and we do work with that. And it’s, I’m curious how you work with the ancestral stuff, the things that people don’t know, is them. So I asked myself, like, Is this mine? Oh, yeah. Is this my energy? Or am I feeling something? And if I can’t really place it, but it’s there, then I just sort of assume that it’s something that is like more imprinted than, like, experienced by me personally. So I’m curious what what, like, your take is on that on like getting to this stuff. Like if I didn’t experience it, if I don’t have the memory of the playground and being called ugly? How do I know? How do I go back to a memory that I don’t have?

Melissa Zoske
Yeah, that’s tapping into your, you know, like, if you’re doing it on yourself, you are just doing going on a journey and asking yourself those kinds of questions. And then you’re asking, Well, is this something that I inherited? And then you kind of follow that back to how far what it was who it was? And it really helps you to like, sometimes I’ll get pictures. The more that you work with this, the more intuition opens up. So oftentimes, I’ll just be working and I’ll just get an image or a picture and I’ll kind of hear something because I’ve got a lot of the The Claire’s, so it just depends on how it comes. And once I find that, then I tune into it. And then I use different energy methods, whichever one calls to me to use in that time, sometimes I have to use more than one. Sometimes I use one and I check it is it cleared now. And then I’ll check it again using a different method. Nope. And I mean, I’ve, you know, that’s why I like having more than one thing that I use. EFT was my first energy, love. And then thought field technology techniques and Reiki I’m trying to think of I use the Akashic records. I love the Akashic records, I use my own method, which is mostly chakras and meridian points combined. And it’s just really helpful on just clearing out all the energy centers you can find in your body and then clearing out the cellular memories as well. So it’s just it’s all energy, and it’s all your intention, right? What is your intention to clear? What is your intention to find? What is your intuition helping you find? And just following it back? And I mean, for me, it’s become so second nature, and it’s what I do with my tribe, with my people with my members, is I help them just dig into their intuition more so that they can connect more with their self with themselves and with their clients. So they can they can really find that that center that’s helping them find the earliest, but like I said, even if you have what you have, in a conscious memory, it still will grab a lot of those subconscious because it’s the same frequency,

Nicole Laino
right, we’ve just attracted the same frequency the same, the same essence of the problem, we’ve just attracted it in a different way. And that’s what our patterns are. And that’s why recognizing those patterns and being like, this kind of comes up in different ways. Yeah. You know, over and over and over again.

Melissa Zoske
Absolutely. And it’s a cycle. That’s what we tried to break. Right? Always. Yeah, it’s family cycles. Right? We want to have to up here not to have a go through our kids.

Nicole Laino
Absolutely. Yeah. And, you know, we want to we look at what our parents had, and what other people suffer with. And a lot of us have said, you know, and be careful with what you say you will never do. But, you know, you’ll look back and you’re like, I’ll never be like that. Right? I know. You don’t want to rail against anything, but looking back at it and just being like, No, I’m, I’m gonna make something better, because I knew that something better is possible for me. Yeah. And I’m committed to that.

Melissa Zoske
I love that when I first started doing this work, I didn’t notice a transformation within like the first month. Like, it took me like six months, which is amazing. I mean, when I started my work when I was we had a financial disaster. And we almost lost everything. And then that took my health down because you know, the stress, and then I couldn’t you know, when you’re when you don’t have your health, you lose if you don’t have anything, right. So when I started trying everything to get over that I found that nothing was working, and even raw food diets and, you know, the Western Eastern alternative, all this stuff, I threw everything at it. And it just wasn’t working nothing. It just helped a little but it wasn’t getting me there. When I found energy, and law of attraction combined. I was floored things started to shift so fast. And then I realized that as I was working on my health, our finances, were shifting radically really fast. And it just was that feeling of what is happening, how, you know, how is this happening? But the first month, I remember feeling that that feeling of I could feel things changing. I feel differently. I’m not looking at this guy’s a little bluer, things are a little crisper, I feel better about things. But I still felt like my body was still a lot of pain, right? But I felt different. I mean, it goes from the unseen to the same, right? But then I thought, even if I know something’s happening, even if I do this process, and I continue to work on myself, and it clears in my kids only and nothing else changes anymore, for me pain wise, but I feel better emotionally. If I know it’s changing in my kids, and I’m freeing them being the catalyst for change for future generations. That was enough for me right there. I knew I was going to keep going even if I didn’t see any other change. But yes, the pain went away too. And so everything was like, you know, two years of constant pain and then all of a sudden, boom, it’s gone. And I’m like, how well you know and then finances what you know all this stuff. So it was so amazing. And yeah, changing that in your children’s in in your grandchildren. When I look at my granddaughter now I’m like, I just feel like she’s free. And I helped do that. So it’s really important,

Nicole Laino
I hope beautiful. And I think I think something that I want to go back to something you touched on which was that it took you six months to start seeing change and because I think that that when people in And that’s been my experience too, with with people that I’ve worked with, and that they expect it to end myself do a truth, because I don’t know if this was your experience, but I know like it took me about, I’d say six months of good consistent focus work on this, but it took me years of doing like, I did meditation, and I did a lot of stuff. And I saw change. And I saw a lot of change. But six months of very, very focused work with my, with the rapid manifestation method that I did before I was like, Oh, this is what it feels like to feel different. Like when they say becoming somebody else, that, you know, becoming that higher version of yourself, that took a while of like, cleaning out all of the gunk that was in there, it wasn’t just about layering on positive affirmations and, and thinking, you know, envisioning the future, it was about facing the past and accepting with radical love all of my human experience

Melissa Zoske
and messiness.

Nicole Laino
So I’m curious if you’ve found like, where are people generally resistant in the beginning, feeling like it should move faster?

Melissa Zoske
Four times? Sometimes they are, they are. And it’s just like, I think that people, you know, it takes us how many years or lifetimes to get the way we are right. And we can expect if like, especially health like when you look at health by itself, you didn’t get unhealthy overnight, right? It happened for years and years and years of you doing things or maybe genetically predisposition, and all sudden the weak link, you know, everything just broke down, or stress took it down. So you got sick, it wasn’t just didn’t happen overnight. And the same thing with anything with your, with why you’re blocked on your business with why you are blocked. With relationships, it’s all the same. So I always say to people, you know, you need to expect six months. And I know that a lot of times people start off in their businesses doing one off sessions, but no true transformations, you may feel a little different. But if you don’t keep doing the work within yourself, it takes commitment. And it takes that you know, drive and passion to move forward and to really work it. That’s when the true transformation happens. And those are the clients with other people that I love because they get it and I know you get it. It’s just it takes that in, you know, miracles can happen. But it takes a little bit of time.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and it and you know, you have to you’ve got to put the fear aside the fear that it won’t work, the fear that you’re wasting time, the fear, and it’s uncomfortable getting like, it stirs up a lot of stuff. But you have to remember that, that the stirring up is what’s allowing the gunk to come to the surface, so you can skim it off and get it out of the pot. Like that’s how you have to that’s the process. Yeah, gotta get you got to get dirty. You got to get messy before you can get all of this stuff out. So I’m it. I kind of wanted to touch on that. Because I think that there’s a common misconception out there that this is some sort of magical process, that I just start thinking differently and everything will change. And it’s true, you will see incremental change, but it’s going to be the big bang. Depending on where you’re at. Everybody has their own experience, what they’re working through some people it will take less time, some people it will take longer.

Melissa Zoske
And you might not even notice it. I mean, I have so many people. I mean, one of the things that happened for me in the beginning, you don’t notice a lot of times what’s happening, you don’t see it in yourself, because you’re too close to it. You’re like, it’s not working. And then all of a sudden somebody my my kids said to me like six months later, a relationship that had been struggling for 20 years a family relationship that I never thought would ever heal. I wasn’t working on that relationship, even by the way. Yeah, it was working on the other stuff. And I was like, what is that? And this relationship? He was like, how are you in this relationship? And you guys are happy with each other. And you guys have this really cool, you know, thing going on what happened? And I’m like, Oh, I don’t know. Oh, you know, that was proof right? There was like, wow. And so you just have to know like, maybe you don’t get upset being behind somebody that’s driving slowly. Maybe you’re not getting all pissed off when you’re in the line behind somebody at the grocery store. And they’re like Lolly Lolly and you’re in a hurry, maybe you’re not in a hurry so much anymore. Those are the little things that to look for, I think at the beginning because those show you that things are shifting, but they’re very small. So you know, just kind of being aware of those things. It’s really good.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, I mean, I like I used to talk about this about meditation this way. And I think about all of the energy work this way now is that that the more you do it so so it starts out with, you know, if you think about yourself as like a cup, and if your cup is just about full, you don’t have a whole lot of capacity to take on what the world is going to throw at you. That’s how we ended up with short patients. That’s how we ended up with you know, just for Feeling overwhelmed all the time because we are our cup is runneth over? Not in a good way. Yeah, we are just we’re overflowing. But at meditation, this energy work, you’re gonna empty the cup. Yeah, yep. Now you can take on more from the world, but you know what else you can do? You can accept and receive more of the good stuff, as well. And then over time, when you really start doing this, and you really dig in, the cup gets bigger.

Melissa Zoske
Yeah. Oh, that’s a really great way to look at that. Love it, you’re the cup.

Nicole Laino
You’ve got one of those, like super sized giant, like diabetes. Now, I love it. But that was like, that’s the illustration that I gave it like it made it made sense to me that way. Or I was like, oh, no, I’m emptying the cup. And then I was like, no cup got bigger. Like I expanding. I am expanding. Yeah,

Melissa Zoske
what you can handle and what you can take in and I love that. That’s something I haven’t heard before. And you know, it’s that’s beautiful. Good job. I love it. Definitely helped someone

Nicole Laino
relate it to a giant carpeting beggar Slurpee, my eloquence is just being dazzling everybody with it, you know, like I’d love it. Like, I’d love to just kind of let let’s let’s just ground this in something for the listeners. Because I know that people are sitting there. And they’re saying like, well, how does this relate to my business? What What am I able to do? Like, what’s a practical thing that we can help them grab on to to say like, this is a real world experience that happens? Yeah, you know, either when you’re stuck, or what you will experience when you open up? Like what what’s something that that we can attribute? or draw them to to say like, if you’re experiencing this, or if you’re maybe it’s an up leveling thing, or something maybe we can dig into? Yeah,

Melissa Zoske
well, one of the things is pricing, the pricing your services or programs, that’s always something that I find people get stuck on all the time, it’s one of the first things that I like to work on with my clients. It’s that worthiness and self worth is one of the things that I mean, there’s always other things connected to but looking into, why am I charging so little. And if you feel like again, going back to maybe I’m not good enough, or I don’t have enough training, or I need to get more education. And I always tell people, you don’t have to have more education, you just need to be one step ahead of the people you’re trying to help. Right. So just the serial certifying was something I was guilty, guilty of where I was just like constantly in knowledge, getting more certifications, which I have a ton. And I finally had to say no, no more, I’m hiding from selling, I’m hiding from charging, I have guilt for charging. So looking at like the self worth the guilt, all that. And then like I said, we just talked about, you might have those feelings that I talked about earlier of not feeling good enough or as good as others in your field, and you’re always feeling that smallness. That’s where you look at those early look at the emotion. Look at the early memories, go for that, Where’s this coming from, even if it doesn’t have to be related to business, that feelings what you’re looking for. And following that back, and then using some sort of energy I energy is fast, right? Using any form of energy is pretty fast. If you’re knowledgeable, you know how to use it, then you can get to it a little easier, a lot easier than just meditating or, or affirmations or any of those they work. But it’s a lot faster to use some form of energy. And working on that early memory, you’re going to feel lighter. And then you’re going to say, Alright, I’m going to charge more. So if you’re charging $100 for maybe a program or service, not comparing yourself to others don’t compare kind of tapping into that, what do I feel like I’m worth now. And if you’re saying like I’m worth 140 Now, and then I say, maybe we can stretch that a little bit. We don’t want to stretch it so far that you like, freak out your egos like running the other direction, you know, you want to like, Okay, can I do this, look into your feelings? Can I do this, I’m feeling a little freaked out, but not too bad. I think I could go to 160 I can do it. And then you say okay, I’m gonna do 160 I’m a little freaked out. But I know I can do it, I can see that my future. It’s part of my goal. Now I’m going to do this. That’s where the sweet spot is. If you say I’m going to go to $300 and you ego freaks out, you’re going to have more shame, more guilt, more of the things come up. So slowly as you’re working, you’ll kind of like gradually take those steps forward, claiming your worth. And then as you get used to that, like you were saying New Level new devil, you will find new things are probably starting to come up and you’ll just clear those what you keep going and you keep moving and you keep moving up and it’s pretty soon you’re making multiple six figures. You’re feeling amazing. It’s awesome. So yeah, I setting

Nicole Laino
a new floor, right? You’re saying like you’re setting the new floor, and that takes some practice. And one of the things that I wanted to Just go back to you mentioned using energy, energy moves fast using energy will will progress you further faster. Yeah. When you say that, do you mean Reiki or some sort of what when you say using energy for people who aren’t as schooled in this, what would they what would using energy mean?

Melissa Zoske
So everything is energy, I mean, your thoughts, your beliefs, your patterns, your programming, when we tap into energy, universal energy, we are able to clear out those things by with our intention so it can be Reiki. Reiki is just a form of energy used. It’s an old practice that’s used to help balance out and clear out those things that don’t help us any more than things that no longer serve us. EFT tapping, where you tap on the meridian points, and you’re tapping on your head and your eyeballs. Those are different meridian points that are used in acupuncture all the time, that helped clear you with health, but they help clear beliefs and program is especially when you place the intention to be clear knees out, I use different forms. I love my quantum key method because I’m using all the chakras. And every chakra is connected to different beliefs, patterns, programming, different emotions, and some of them are some of them have shared emotions and beliefs to attach to them too. I also believe that different beliefs and emotions can be held in different parts of your body on different tissue, organs, glands, all that. So just having your intent and intention, ID, you know, for ideen those beliefs where they’re stuck, it speeds it up. And so energy is something to explore. It’s my favorite. I totally can geek out on energy. It’s my favorite thing in the whole world. I’m very passionate about it. And it’s everywhere anyway, so why not, you know, learn a little bit more about it right?

Nicole Laino
You’re on the right show. You came to the right place. I feel the same way when I discovered the RMM which uses EFT. That was when everything changed. And I had done Reiki before I’m I’m a Reiki Master like I’ve and and I love Reiki but nothing moved me forward, like EFT and utilizing it the way that our men does. And so I understand what you’re saying that that, that utilizing these techniques that are out there, with intention with and then using that awareness, using your triggers using your world to tell you what you need to work on. Yeah, it’s a process and you know what, it gets kind of fun after you do it for a while. It’s intimidating. It’s a little scary. It’s uncomfortable. Sometimes in the beginning. When you start to really dive into this stuff, I have a client that like I swear she like looks different. Now I see her and I like I could cry thinking about her like she hopped onto a call and she was just like, I like magically like five grand just appeared. This I have no idea was awesome. I have a at all the only thing I have changed is I have done this work. And I am getting chills thinking about it and seeing I have other clients that come with the same thing. And so it’s it’s one thing, you experience it yourself, but then seeing other people were just dip your toe in the water, dip your toe in the water and see where it takes you because it’s theirs.

Melissa Zoske
Didn’t you realize when you first started using it to your confidence level went up, you just felt like I can do this, I feel better about myself, I know I can do this. I mean, even now when I run into something I was getting on a groom yesterday or two days ago. And I just tapped before I got in because that’s my favorite for situational stress for sure. 100%. So,

Nicole Laino
I call it my troubleshooting guide. Like that is my troubleshooting guide. So if I just start tapping if I’m sitting down and I can’t do something I did it yesterday I have a lunch coming up next week I was redoing the workbook because I make life difficult for myself and I was like I’m just change this one and and so I’m changing the workbook and I was like really overwhelmed by that kind of stuff. And I was like why don’t I want to do this what and I went through the tapping I just talked about what I was feeling you know what stuff I was not expecting moved out. I love it and you can feel it. You’re just like yes, yes. And but but I love what you were saying about you know that you feel you feel better than me being a bit of a perfectionist control freak and type. The type a side of me loves the fact that I feel like I can when I saw the roadblocks and I knew that I would say the phrase and get in my own way. I would say it all the time. And it was so defeating because I didn’t know what to do. And I was like I don’t know What to do? And that’s where you start. That’s where the thoughts the subconscious starts going. See, you shouldn’t even do this because you’re just not meant for it.

Melissa Zoske
Are you? Who do you think you are? Yeah, I

Nicole Laino
told you. So I told you this idea. And I’m like, but I really feel like this is an inner calling, but I don’t know how to get out of my own way. So maybe the voices right. And then I discovered these tools. And then I felt powerful. And I was like, this now and and you blow the doors off.

Melissa Zoske
And with the new stuff that comes up to just for your listeners, don’t give up. Like, during one of my lunches. I was sitting there on the lives and then my kitchen started flood, we have a brand new home, we moved in June, and our kitchen started flooding. Those are upper like upper limit blocks. When our subconscious is like kicking in like what you were just talking about with who I do, it sends out that energy. That’s why we need to work on it in the moment for sure, right? We have subconscious stuff going on that we don’t even hear or see half the time, right? When you’re in it is the best time to be tapping on it or using other kind of energy methods with it, right. But I had my kitchen flood, I was like freaking out. And I was like laughing about it. I was like, oh my god, I’m Upper Limiting here and I was talking live about then my internet went out, right during the live, then our electricity went out. I’m like, Oh my god. So I just made that part of the conversation because it was one of the best launches I’ve had, right? But it was like upper limit those parts of me go, we’re going to make sure that you don’t hurt yourself. Because you’re going to get this you’re going to totally be bummed out. So we’re going to like sabotage this right now, it doesn’t have to be in the form of just your thoughts. It can be a flat tire, it can be a kitchen flood, it can be you break your foot, I mean, all sorts of things come up to sabotage you because that’s the energy you’re putting out. And so the universe sends you back that way for you to manifest that end result, which isn’t good. So you want to just work on it in the moment. It’s super important to work on it in the moment. That’s where if you’re upset, that’s a best time. I love it.

Nicole Laino
Definitely, no, and I’m glad that you brought that up. Because I think that that’s important for people to understand. It’s not just the things that are emotionally going on with you. But look around your world if something is kind of rocking your world in the moment. Look at Blue is and what’s the emotional feeling you have with it? Like what what is it triggering in you? So what’s what is the universe the mirror that the universe is holding up to show you something? One is it and then it’s the emotion that you’re looking for? You’re looking for like, Okay, this is the part of me that I have been ignoring or not, not really and so like that number limiting. I’m not good enough.

Melissa Zoske
There it is, again, sending it out. And it’s back. I love it. It’s just all good. It’s all fun. It’s all a journey and I love that we could just work through this and continually work through it and just know that it really never ends. But it becomes kind of interesting, more fun and you’re like going What is this? How can I work on this one and you know be careful when you say I don’t have anything to work on right now because that’s why you get a whole lot more

Nicole Laino
oh yeah you do? Oh yeah you do it just it becomes easier you work through them a lot faster I think is the great news about it is you never run out of things to work on because you know as long as you’re continuing to grow and watching for it, there’s their stuff but but it doesn’t take you months to work through something like it did in the beginning it can take you three minutes. I wanted

Melissa Zoske
to say with your like with your practice and to your listeners. This is where having somebody else mentor you or coach you comes really you really need it because sometimes we’re so close to things that we just can’t see it like I had a couple people work on me this last week because I’m so close to it that I wanted to go deeper than just the kindergarten memory so I had other people work on me so this is where it’s important for you to think you know think of how much do you want your success How far do you want to take it and that’s when you are allowing somebody else to come into your you know, circle and help you and Nicole I know you that you’re you offer that I can’t wait to see your talents next week. I know that’s going to be amazing.

Nicole Laino
No and the same with you so so we are coming up on time. So let’s I know that people are going to want to know because listeners of the show are looking for people like you. They’re going to want to know how they stay in touch with you what what are what is it that they can buy from you get from you, how can they stay in touch and get more information from you?

Melissa Zoske
Well, I’ve my websites Melissa zosky.com. Or you can go to my Facebook page, which is the same thing or Instagram Melissa zosky. I do have a couple of offers right now. One is Melissa zosky.com/qk M and that is my free method to help you learn how to use another different type of energy on yourself. It’s a lot of fun. It’s just it’s something that just helps you get a little bit of a taste of what energy can Do and I also have my up level your year planner out right now which is up level, Melissa zosky.com/up level planner. So those are two easy ways to easily hop in or just connect with me on Facebook or Instagram. That’s great. Thank you for asking.

Nicole Laino
And we will link up to all of that in the show notes so that everybody can find that you don’t have to write all of it down and tough to remember URLs and all of that fun. But is there anything that well as we wrap up? Is there anything that you wanted to say to the listeners before we before we close out?

Melissa Zoske
No, I just you guys I’m so grateful to be here. And thank you so much for being on the show listening. This is it’s always good to share what we know because that’s what we’re here for. Right we’re here to share our message and help basically lift this world up our vibrations everything and when we are taking care of ourselves and lifting those negative beliefs programmings patterns out we’re lit not only lifting our own energy up and helping those people that we’re helping everybody else around us. So it’s a huge it’s a really important thing and it’s you know, I we always see things on TV will support this or support this foundation, working on yourself versus like putting the oxygen mask on yourself so that then you can help everybody else around you. Thank you so much for having me.

Nicole Laino
It was such a pleasure having you here. Thank you for being on the show. This was such a fun conversation. I know that everybody got a lot of value from it and it was just it was fun for me because I love talking to anyway. Everybody, thank you so much for being here for listening to the end of this episode. Remember, we are only limited by the limitations that we accept when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become a limitless entrepreneur. I will see you all on the next episode.

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