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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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Episode #97 How Kim Made $10k in 5 Days by Owning Her Human Design

This week we’ve got a very special guest joining us, one of Nicole’s Limitless Entrepreneur clients, Kim. Kim is Not Your Average Life Coach. She is unapologetic about wanting more and passionate about rallying powerful women to unleash the Revolution within. Kim is coming on to share with us about her work with Nicole and learning about her human design, and how she was able to skyrocket from dreaming about eventually making $10k in a month to making $10k in 5 days after taking a leap of faith and launching a retreat she’s always dreamed of hosting. She’s talking about how learning about her human design and becoming aligned with her authentic self really allowed her to find the offer that was most aligned with her and her audience and they would respond to.


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Nicole Laino 

Hello, and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a friend, a client, a beautiful, beautiful soul. This is this. I’m here with Kim Garrity, I’m really excited to be doing this episode today. Because we have some things happening together. We have been working together for almost a year. Now, I can’t believe it’s been that long. And Kim just has this remarkable story. And we’re going to be talking about human design, I want you guys to start hearing this from other people’s perspectives. So Kim is the first guest that we have that’s going to really be starting to share their experience with their human design experiment and how it actually applicable applies to everything in their life. And Kim is just this beautiful example. And I’m excited to have her on. And I’m gonna welcome you to the show. Kim, how are you?

Kim Gerrity 

I’m great. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here with you and to chat with you and your guests today.

Nicole Laino 

I’m thrilled to have you here. This is really exciting for me. I’ve wanted to open this up to clients for a long time and start bringing people on. And this is this is a great first, like a little intro to that. So I’m so happy to have you here. Thank you for being here.

Kim Gerrity 

Absolutely. Thank you.

Nicole Laino 

So why don’t you introduce yourself to the listeners and tell them a little bit about you?

Kim Gerrity 

Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Kim Garrity. As Nicole said, I live in Northeast Pennsylvania. I like to say I’m a human director by day, but uh, not your average life coach by passion. So I’m kind of juggling those two worlds and just really love to help women step into their power and to really stop settling. That’s really where I started the not your average life community, because I just saw so many people and frankly, myself standing on the sidelines. And I came to this point where I was like, I know there’s so much more and really just wanted to lean into that of how do we really embrace the boldest version of ourselves. So I have married I have two beautiful kids and a gaggle of Chihuahua and Jack Russell. So that’s a little bit about my my journey myself.

Nicole Laino 

Now you are a we’re a little Kim is one of those people that we don’t have, we don’t have an exact birth time for you. So there are some there are some variables in here that we kind of play around with, you have a pretty good idea you’ve muscle tested, you’ve kind of you feel like you’ve got a good handle on it. But just that little caveat there for anybody who doesn’t know their exact birth time, but you know, the birth date, you know where you were born. And maybe you have a little bit of an idea. We had to play around with it with Kim. And we think we’ve come to a really good place where she feels like Yep, that’s me. But you are, you’re you are a three, six, manifest emotional manifesting generator, right?

Kim Gerrity 

Yes. And some of that, like when we tweaked the time, a little bit like four, six or something times I’m like, you know, that feels right. But it felt very right. And like you said, you know, in digging into this, there was those moments of just feeling like, that’s me. And that’s been so powerful. That’s one of the things I’ve really loved about it. So, as we talked about some of those things, it felt really, really good and really bright.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, and some of the things like I know, the gene keys have been really impactful for you with some of the marketing that you’ve been doing. Because tell everybody what you’ve been up to. And because you’ve had some, you’ve had a really interesting journey. And part of the reason why I wanted to start kind of this little series with you, is, you know, you came into the container, and you kind of knew what you wanted to do. But putting the packages together, putting your offers together and getting to the right offer. I feel like you’ve gotten to the right offer right now, like things are starting to sing. So why don’t you tell people a little bit about where what your journey has been like over the last few months, particularly since we started to really dig into your design and how that had an effect on the offers you created and, and the results that you’re getting now?

Kim Gerrity 

Absolutely. So I knew I always knew I wanted to help women, like I said, step into that like bold version of themselves. And, you know, stop settling that there was some of these themes that had been coming up for me for for a while. So as I had dug into my first, you know, foray into having a coach and deciding what I wanted to do with this business that I knew I wanted, and I struggled with really being able to put language around that, you know, really to get crystal clear on what it is. And so, I had these things percolating inside and, you know, just different things that I really had an interest in. And like you said, I struggled for Are those kind of two years? Really just understanding what exactly is it? You know, specifically. And so as we know, in the coaching world, we need to be specific, we need to understand who we want to work with, we need to understand what our our messaging is. And so it always felt a little bit, just a little bit out of reach for me. And so what was really interesting is when I started working with you, and like you said, I can’t believe it started a little like around Thanksgiving of last year. So it’s been an amazing journey. And I can’t believe how much time is gone by already. But it really allowed me to help. What is that? Like? What is that the core of it, what I’m called to do in this world. And so human design, I always love the mindset work. And what I realized, and literally, I haven’t even had a chance to tell you this, as I was just thinking about this over the last few days is that mindset work, it kind of all kept me up in my head. And I have an open head center mass, not always a good thing. And what human design did was help me understand like, how do I move that into my body, into my spirit, like to really be grounded in who I am. Instead of just the thoughts of it, it just gave a depth that, frankly, just understanding how my mind works, I never quite got there to that depth. And so I was also like, so I made some offers, I did some workshops, and you know, different training programs to help people understand how their mind works, how to really tune into loving themselves again. And that’s, I’ve always said, I like me, and there’s so many women who don’t, that I want to help them see that beautiful uniqueness that they are. And really, regardless of who they compare themselves to that beautiful spirit. And so I made a couple of offers. And frankly, once I moved into your program, and started to really understand who I was, I did some of these training programs and made some money that I had my first sales truly in my business after two years. So working with you, Nicole, I started around Christmas, right, because kind of like the onboarding, made my first off, I made my first almost 400 bucks in February, I just went back and pulled the numbers because I thought this was so amazing. And then I did a program in May, and I made $225. And then in June, I saw I signed my first one on one client, you know, and brought in $300. That month and and so I say that just because it has been an evolution of always wanting to help women love who they are, and truly just trust in that value and the worth of their unique brilliance. But again, struggled a little bit, as you know of what does that look like? Exactly? What is that going to feel like. And then as we dug into human design, and I started looking at my, my purpose, my life’s purpose, which is revolution, and that concept of helping women move from one thing into a new thing. It just opened up this beautiful, like bold confidence in me of like, that’s it. And it gave me words to put to what I want to do. And so I’ll pause there real quick, because I know you kind of witnessed that journey too. And see if you have any specific questions to you want me to dig into?

Nicole Laino 

No, I just wanted to clarify that when you talk about the revolution and finding the language around that what Kim’s referencing there is working through the gene keys and through human design. There’s certain placements within her profile. So her conscious son is gate 49. And the gift of that gate is revolution. And by contemplating that by working with that, and some of the other keys in her particular profile, we were playing with the language and some of it was just and this is what I said this in maybe the last episode or the episode before where that sometimes it’s a big bang. Were you like him? It was like your the gift of your of your life’s work and your conscious son is revolution. So sometimes it’s just given to you. Because that became the title for your latest offer, which Why don’t you tell everybody about that? I just wanted to clarify that, that that’s where some when she talks about the language, it’s coming from the keynotes of her human design, some of the things that we talk about, and then specifically the gene keys information and contemplating those keys and those keynotes and using them as language in your marketing because that’s what’s authentic to you. It is authentic, it doesn’t feel like what might be cheesy for me to kind of talk about revolution where it might not come outright coming from me. Maybe it would, but for me, you it it has it has real legs and it has real weight to it. So why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about the offer that kind of came out of that and your current offer that you’re working with that we’re actually working on together?

Kim Gerrity 

Absolutely. Yeah. So I I’ve always had this dream to have a retreat. And I think for me, that is because that connection and community of being outside of the daily grind, and in this special environment has been, I know it’s changed my life. And I want people to have that connection. So we were having a conversation, and I said, I’ve always just had this dream of having a retreat where women can come be together in this intimate experience. And I love Amelia Island, I’ve always had the dream of it being there, I saw it very clearly like this, bringing women together in this intimate, you know, experience, to go through these concepts of understanding their beautiful, unique self, and that connection that happens when we step out of the daily grind. And so we were having this conversation I’m in, I think you said, Do you want to do a retreat? And it just sprung forth? Because I knew I did. And I was like I do? Absolutely. That’s what I want to do. I know, that’s my next step. That’s my next offer is, when I dream about my ideal day, it always involved this, I could see it, this house, and the women are there. And we’re connecting together. And we’re working through these issues where each woman gets to kind of work through their unique situation. And so I’ve made this, this beautiful experience, it’s going to be four days on Amelia Island in Florida, where we’re going to talk through helping women uncover that beautiful journey of trusting their worth understanding who they are, because I also feel like when women, we don’t really know why we do what we do, we can be afraid we’re doing it wrong. We think we’re screwing it all up. Right? Like, I like to do a lot of different things. So I always felt like I was kind of like, Am I meant for this entrepreneurial journey if I’m gonna change my mind. And you know, part of understanding my human design early on, you said, you’re a manifesting generator. Kim, you’re meant to be multi passionate, and it was like, I knew it. I knew it. But you know what, I always felt kind of bad about it. I always second guessed it, because I didn’t understand why I did that. Why am I changing my mind? Or, you know why certain things didn’t feel right for me that the typical entrepreneurial journey tells you should be. And so there was this beautiful freedom. So when you said, you know, do you want to? Is that what you want? I’m like, yeah, yeah, it is. And I knew, and it just started fourth. And then the word revolution, it just was like, a course that’s where it’s gonna be pulled out there, it can be called anything else. Because that’s, it’s everything I knew. And I’ve been feeling for the last couple of years of where I want this journey to go. It was like that it it just was this beautiful, like homecoming, of course, that’s what I meant to do. And so it was just the perfect, the perfect title for that, too, is to help them and see that there’s a revolution inside each of us. And I think I think it’s important is with this language, like for me that feels so authentic. And of course, that’s what it is. But I think some people can be like, well, revolution means we’re overthrowing things, and we’re taking over and we’re taking power, right, it can have this very aggressive connotation. That’s not what it is at all. And, you know, as I was digging into the GP, it says, revolution occurs whenever stagnant energy is brought into awareness. And how beautiful is that? It’s not that we’re going to overthrow your whole life. But it’s that there’s something stagnant, that needs to be addressed, that’s waiting to be an Earth to be reborn. And that’s in our lives. And, you know, for me, the reason this is so personal and so important is I felt like I’ve had this kind of the before and the after. And for me, you know, my mom passed away when she was 48. So she’s been gone, you know, 22 years. And so I’m rolling into where I’m going to be without her more than I’ve been with her. And what I realized as I was hitting 48, myself is I was in this stuck place, where I had all these dreams, I was more successful than I’d ever been making more money than I’ve ever made. You know, all eyes would say you’re very successful, right? And I’ve made it I’ve peaked, you know, but I had this longing of like, there feels like there’s something else. Like, like, I wanted this next thing this other, bigger, bolder, more. And yet you feel kind of guilty for even thinking that because you have a beautiful life, a beautiful family, you’ve done the things, isn’t it? I’m grateful that I want more. And then it was like, but know that that was in my soul. Like I just had this longing. And again, stepping into this and understanding how I was created. I’m meant to do that. I’m meant we’re meant to have this evolution, this new revolution, and it doesn’t mean we’re throwing everything out. But it means like we can evolve and we continue to have things that this world needs to hear and see and we Do that by trusting that there’s this next step. So I love it. And just everything came together so beautifully to to express what I couldn’t necessarily express in the past. And so it feels like it just bloomed out of me in this beautiful way. And now I’m like, I want everyone to feel that I want every woman to see where they’re stuck. And well, well,

Nicole Laino 

let’s just let’s just talk about and I love it and what was so great. And I asked you, do you want to run a retreat? Is that it? Does that feel good to you? To get that yes or no, to get that from your sacral, not from your mind, not from your throat, which is very active, you have a really active throat, you have three channels, while multiple channels running, because you have the integration channel as well, Kim has a ton of definition in her design, she only has two undefined centers, and they’re completely open the head and the ego. And so it’s like open for inspiration, and just just nothing to prove. But you have a lot of power, and you have a lot of you have a lot of direction, you have a lot of have that kind of happening inside of you. But what can happen with that is sometimes we can answer with other parts of our power, we can answer with the other parts that are defined, but it was really getting you centered in because once you do that, and then you went away and you waited, because you’re emotional. And you came back and you’re like I’m doing this. Yep. And it was such a, it was such a definitive thing where you were like, you were like, I’m going to do this. And when we were talking about it, too, I was like, well, even if you’re not a three in your, for your four, six, and not a three, six, I’m like, we think you’re a three, six, you still got a lot of threes in your design. The three is the three is the experimenter, the three is the you know, you’re going to bump into life, and life’s gonna bump into you, you’re going to break things so that you learn how things get broken. And you can see a better way to never break them again. And to make me an even better version. And that’s that’s how you learn. And that’s how your gifts are used. So it was this great thing where you really embraced all of those aspects. And this is the power of when when you enter into things correctly, according to your design. Now, when I say correct, sometimes it seems like oh, there’s a right way. And there’s a wrong way, I look at it more like there is an efficient way where your energy is behind you and pushing you and it just it’s expanded and magnetizing the right things to you. Or you are inefficient, and you’re trying to work out of the areas that are more difficult for you and is not going to activate that magnetism for you. And with you operating correctly. Where are you now with selling this retreat?

Kim Gerrity 

Yeah, it was an amazing experience. So I have eight amazing women who have said yes to this. So this has been incredible. And and I said to you, it feels easy. And that’s, you know, like, sometimes it’s like, what does alignment mean? And when we’re in that efficient way, and we’re acknowledging and being true to our design, what does it feel like? It felt really easy. So it was a beautiful process. And, you know, very quickly I put it out there I reached out, you know, started sharing about this, this vision. And eight women have said yes, I’ve covered all of the expenses. Because this was a leap of faith, like you said, I said yes. And I immediately started taking action, but it was still a bit of a leap of faith. And, you know, putting it out there not knowing necessarily what this is going to look like. But knowing I’m just meant to take that step. So it was a little bit scary. But I’ve you know, covered all of the expenses for the whole retreat. We still have spots open. I’m so excited about that. And I can’t wait. But um,

Nicole Laino 

well, you’ve come to like, this was like your first you just shy of a 10k a month. Right?

Kim Gerrity 

Exactly. And, you know, when I think about it, you hear these things, it’s 10k in five days. Yeah. And I can’t even believe I’m saying it because it’s just it’s so exciting. And it feels so right. And it just was it just felt easy. And that’s the beauty of it is when I’m in that place, like everything’s just humming for you, right? And, like, I still there’s part of me that’s like, did I just say that, like, you know, I was dreaming of $10k months, and it was $10k in five days. Because it’s just this beautiful energy of knowing everything’s aligned, and that what I’m doing is what I’m meant to do. And I truly believe the universe wants us to do that. It wants to support us. You know, it wants us to have that. And so, and I think people are attracted to that when they see this passion and authenticity, and they see it and feel it as well. And that’s why it’s different than, you know, when I’m hustling over offers in the past, trying to figure it out, you know, I had no results for a long time. Long time two years time. I started working with Nicola and I start to see movement, right? And so from February to June, I make my first sales in my own business. And then this happens when I’m so in alignment, and it is exactly what I’m called to do in this world. 10k In five days, but you know what? Right, but that’s how it can be, you know. So that’s just, it’s been amazing.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, it all happened, where it was like, you were in the Facebook group in our in our private Facebook group for our limitless entrepreneurs. And you were just like, I got my first sale. It was like, I got my first two. And then I, you messaged me, and you were like, I have four. And then when I talked to you on our next call, I was like, so where are you at for now? And you were like, actually, I’m at eight. And it was like what it all just started to, to snowball and take effect. And there was some strategy with that there was, you know, you had a runway, you had a specific closed cart for the early bird pricing. So there are I want to make it very clear to people to sell magic, you go out there and you do things, you sell the thing. She talked about this thing, she was out there interacting and engaging with people, and letting people know what she sold. But the energy that you were in when you sold when you talked about it? How did that feel in comparison to other times where you sold things, maybe out of the feeling of I put this together? And I hope people buy it? Was there a difference there for you?

Kim Gerrity 

Absolutely. And, you know, in hindsight, like I know, this is part of my profile is that like innocence, were just genuinely wanting to share this. And truly, you know, it’s not about me at all. And I know, you know, so many coaches, we say that, like, it’s really not about us, like, you know, what we want to do is help other people. But when I really believe that, and it’s almost like, trusting that to, you know, trusting the right people to show up, instead of being like, Oh, I gotta find the people, I gotta find the people. It’s a totally different energy. And so some of this happened from conversations that weren’t even about the retreat, or weren’t about sales, but I’m just so genuinely, like, sharing and truly want to, like express this, you know, concept. You know, it happens. So there was this, you know, innocence to it, which at the time, I didn’t know, and, you know, we talked afterwards. And it’s like, just that like really going in and sharing because you love it and you want to help people. Like that’s the place I should be stumbling from, you know, and it kind of just happened naturally, because I’m in alignment, because I love it, because that’s what I’m called to do. And I don’t have to manufacture what I want to say or try to figure out an angle. None of that’s there because I’m just so authentically in alignment with what I’m talking about. So that felt really good and really different.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, and just a little kind of background on on how all this works like Kim being a manifesting generator, when when she’s lit up when Manny gents or gents are lit up by what they do. The sacral is like it when the sacral is yelling, yes. You feel that, like you feel that now, don’t you the difference between when your sacral is on and when it’s off? Absolutely. And so when it’s on, people feel it, like it’s for Manny gents, it’s super sparkly, because I think we just get super excited about things. For generators, there is a warm energy, but it just, I don’t think there is at like, at the top of the curve with it, where they’re not buzzing as much. It’s a different, they’re excited, and it’s enveloping, and it’s strong. It’s just not as like it’s kind of the only way that I can explain it. Neither good or bad. It’s not better or worse. It’s not higher or lower. It’s just that that’s that’s the real difference between the two. But when you’re in that, that state people feel it and they’re like, I kind of want to be around that I kind of I’m attracted to it. So she’s turned on by this, what she’s mentioning with innocence, that is her motivation. And with innocence motivation, it’s about it’s telling you that when the wind is at your back means that you’re in the right. We haven’t talked about motivation on the show without going down a whole motivation rabbit hole, but basically there are themes to how you are motivated. Meaning when you move in this energy, the wind is at your back. When you move in the transferred motivation which is the opposite and we always have the you always have the theme and the not self theme. Then Then when you’re in the transfer of motivation, then you are having headwinds, and things are not working, and it just sucks. So. So with innocence, it’s about doing it for the love of it, coming at it with innocence with just that joy. So it’s almost like a very big amplification of sacral energy. It also with her design fits so well because your ego is open. And so if you’re an innocence, it’s almost like it kind of takes care of that you can’t be in your ego, you can’t be working out of your ego if you’re truly in innocence. So it kind of tells you where if you’re going out of pure desire, I want it, I want it, I want it, you’re kind of shifting into ego energy. So just by her kind of noticing those things and working out of that place. She became kind of it was like contagious, your excitement about this stuff. And, and that open ego instead of it being something that drags you down. It actually because we attract in our open centers are an open centers where we receive it’s where we receive other people’s energy. It’s also where we receive money sales, the things because it’s, that’s the tractor beam, as long as we’re not filling it up with our own bullshit, and trying to work out of it and not letting it be what it is we’re trying to make it a defined center, you just ruined the power of it. So for everybody who thinks like, oh, I don’t have a lot of openness. Honestly, you could be completely or you could be completely defined and still have openness, you have open channels you have, everybody has open energy, no one has a completely defined chart. But that openness can be seen as weakness, sometimes because we think that definition is power. But it’s actually how you attract. And it’s the space that you have to take things in. So you just you slipped into this offer just sung for you where you were like, Oh, my God, this is it. And it’s like that snowball, where you just got more and more excited about everything was like, Well, what am I going to call it? It was like, let’s do let’s, let’s go through your keys, let’s go through these things. And it all just started to it was such this, it was such a beautiful unfolding?

Kim Gerrity 


Nicole Laino 

I think it’s a great example of how efficient efficiently, you can use your energy, and you get the work is easier. It’s more fun. The product is better. And people feel it like you kind of hit all of those marks. So I’m, I’m so excited. And I do want to mention that on this retreat. I will be coming. I’m actually i Kim invited me on to the retreat. And I will be teaching human design on this retreat. So if anybody like Like she said, there are some there are a few spots left, limited spots, because you heard that we we’ve already sold out quite a bit. There’s still some spots, if you are interested in diving into human design with me, and daring to be you and setting yourself off on a you revolution with Kim and everything that she has planned for this amazing retreat four days on the beach. It’s going to be amazing.

Kim Gerrity 

Yeah, absolutely. And thank you, I’m so excited for you to be there too. And I had to ask you to come because the way that this has impacted my life, I was like, I can’t it can’t be without understanding the human design. So I’m so grateful you’re gonna be there. And it’s going to be transformational for folks. And that’s why we wanted this intimate setting. And like you said, it’s not a billion people, you know, we’re gonna have about a dozen women because we want it to be intimate, and interactive, and really allow you to personalize like, what this means for you. So and it’s on the, you know, ocean front of Amelia Island, my favorite place on the planet. It’s gonna be amazing.

Nicole Laino 

It’s gonna be beautiful. I’m so excited about it. I’m I’m honored to have been asked and to be going I can’t wait for it and October. Can where can everybody stay in touch with you? Where can they learn more about the retreat about you about what you do? What’s the next step for them? Yeah, absolutely.

Kim Gerrity 

So I have a free workshop that’s been happening. I’m dare to be you in my Facebook group. It’s the not your average life Facebook group. So I would love to invite everyone to come over there. The workshop is really about in three days, going from, you know, stuck and overwhelmed, to empowered and very clear. And what it does is it’s going to help you identify those areas that maybe you didn’t realize are keeping you stuck. And just like I said, sometimes you just don’t know you can’t put your finger on it or you can’t necessarily put it into words what the what’s happening. So it helps you identify what that is, and then flip that script and move into being empowered and to be being in control. And that’s what we want is we want to come To understand it, but then also, how do we how do we move from one of those places to the other. So from kind of scattered to empowered, so three days, that’s in the not your average life Facebook group, I would love to have you there. And certainly we’re there’s information in there about the retreat, you know, some behind the scenes, sneak peeks and information about that. So you can find all that there as well.

Nicole Laino 

And we will link all of it up in the show notes as well. So don’t worry, if you don’t have a pen and paper ready to write all of this stuff down. We’ve got you covered, just hop on over to the show notes and click all those links. So you can be magically magically transported over to those places that Kim just mentioned. Kim, thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being in my world. It’s such a gift to get to work with you.

Kim Gerrity 

Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate you. And I’m happy to be in your world too. So thanks so much for having me.

Nicole Laino 

Thank you. And thank you listener who made it all the way to the end of this conversation. I appreciate you. We appreciate you being a part of this little Convo we had here. Now I want to leave you with what I always leave you with. Remember, you’re only limited by the limitations that you accept and when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become limitless. So go out there and be limitless, my people. I will see you next time.

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