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Episode #10 From Welfare Mom to Global Influencer with Fatima Omar

Do you feel like the world’s best kept secret?

Like you have untapped potential and if you only you had the tools to get your story out into the world you’d be a superstar?

But maybe you feel like your past or a voice inside you is holding you back from achieving your dreams?

Well, get ready to be inspired by today’s guest, Fatima Omar. She’s sharing her remarkable story of how she went from being a mom of 5 on welfare to a global influencer and author of multiple #1 best sellers.

She teaches women to reclaim their power and run their business like the queen they are!

Highlights from the episode:

-How to fall in love with your future more than your past
-How to defeat imposter syndrome once and for all
-You DO have a story. Tips on how to tell it for maximum impact.
-Overcoming abuse and becoming a queen

Fatima Omar Khamissa is a leader in personal branding who loves to shine the spotlight on you through marketing, certified coach training and bestseller publishing.

From a single mom-of-five on government assistance to global influencer, Fatima’s courage and determination has inspired fans internationally and audiences to breakthrough and discover their own unlimited potential.


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Nicole Laino
Hello, and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I am your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here today with a very special guest. Someone I am, I can’t even tell you how excited I am to bring this amazing woman to you. This is Fatima Omar. She is a global trainer, a publisher of number one best sellers. She’s also a mom of five. And she’s about to knock your socks off because she just has energy like nobody I have ever met before. Fatima. How are you? Thank you for being here. Welcome.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Oh, my God, Nicole, I’ve been counting down the days. Thanks for having me.

Nicole Laino
So I’m so excited for the listeners to get to know you. I feel very fortunate that I have gotten to know you through the program and mastermind that we’re in together. But tell them a little bit about yourself. And we’ll get into your whole story. But but tell them tell them a little bit about who you are.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Well, today, my life is incredible, extraordinary. My kids are thriving, I’m able to help women all around the world make more money than their male relatives, because that’s my whole thing. You know, it’s all about like, if the guys are making money, you got to make more money. And I’m just so tired of these amazing humans being the world’s best kept secret. So we launched a company just to publish books to say, here I am. Let me tell you what I do. And so everybody can be seen and heard because I believe that women’s voices need to be showcased all around the world. Now my life wasn’t always this way. I got married many, many, many moons ago. And I’d like married to a man who was an undiagnosed bipolar, narcissistic, human. And that created 22 years of violence, manipulation, guilt. And you know, I learned a lot from that experience. And about 12 years ago, I decided I was done. And I packed up five kids, my youngest was four. My oldest was 19. He was in first year university, plus my son Tarik with a wheelchair. And we pretty much ran away. We ran away from a multimillion dollar lifestyle, a very, very crazy family that was like, and I don’t want to use the word mafia, but it’s like very, very controlling and rich, and I was on the run. For a long time trying to save my children. We were homeless for a while I was collecting a welfare check of $535. And that was how we started. And I had to really, really dig deep nickel to work on the fear, or kind of my belief system, ask myself like deep spiritual questions and how I got there. And I needed a why, like, Why was I doing this? And you know what, it was a very, very simple but powerful why and at that time, my why was I wanted my children to know me as more than just a woman who experienced violence. I wanted my kids to see me as more than that. And here we are, you know, from that, why, to what we have today? Slowly but surely, I reinvented myself and showed my kids an example that was worth following.

Nicole Laino
You most certainly have. You are. You are absolutely an example of. I mean, it really is the rags to riches story. But it’s not just rags to riches, because it is, I’d love for you to talk a little bit about your identity in that marriage. Because that that’s a shift. It’s one thing to go from, I don’t have money to I have money. It’s another thing to go through years of abuse, where nothing I don’t think messes with your head more than that and your worth. And so how do you go from that space of of going through that experience, to being able to create what you have created for yourself, which is, you know, you’ve grown a global brand and, and you see yourself your whole brand and you’re You’re a queen?

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Yeah, yeah, that that is such a powerful question. And I was having this conversation with my son. He’s married. He’s been married for about six years, and we talk almost every day on the phone. And one day he says to me on the phone, he goes, You know, I see you online. You got more followers than I will ever dream of. And, and he goes, honestly, there are times I don’t recognize you. And we continue talking about that. And I go, What do you mean it goes sometimes I actually feel sorry for my younger siblings, because when you were raising me you were the mom. We will swimming together, you made bread and homemade jams and all the parties happened in our house and the pool parties and, and I see my younger siblings and youth as a global leader and you got teams and you’re running around and people in the house. And I said, and I asked him this question, Nicole, I said, would that mother that raised you been able to do what I do today? And he said, No, you wouldn’t have. And he was like, how did you do it? Like in such a short time, you are unrecognizable to me. And I had to really sit with this. And I’ll tell you, I figured it out. Nicole, this is what I did. You see violence and abuse can systematically break down your identity of who you really are as how the Creator made you or how the that soul calling, it systematically breaks you down. So all you know, and all I knew was I’m not a person worthy of anything out there in the world. And the only thing of value to me, is what my perpetrator tells me I am. So I had to go on a killing spree. Let me tell you, killing everything that he ever told me that was a lie. And you will literally have to go on a killing spree of saying, what serves me what doesn’t serve me? I started devouring YouTube content and trying to figure out how to make this happen. And there’s a second piece. And the second piece is forgiveness. can I forgive myself? For allowing myself to think that these things were actually true? Even if it was 1%? True? can I forgive myself? For the things I did? And didn’t do? Can I forgive myself for the things I said and didn’t say? Because so many of us think it’s about the other person. But that abuse happened a long time ago. Or maybe it’s continually happening, because every time I think of it, I’m actually abusing myself. And how do you stop that runaway train of saying, that’s a lie, that is not who I am. And it was a continuous and a conscious daily effort to recreate my identity and say, I’m not any of that. But I am this. And I started to fall in love with my future, more than what had happened to me. And I kept saying to me, I’m not my history. I’m not my circumstance. I’m not what happened to me, I’m not my bank account, I am my possibility. And I would say this like 1000 times a day.

Nicole Laino
That, wow. I always say I this resonates very, very, very powerfully with me. Because I say that a lot too. And not from this place of abuse. I mean, I think I didn’t grow up with the greatest upbringing, either I had, I had nothing like what what you were talking about. But this idea of other people making up our identity other people. someone telling you that what you are worth and that it’s not very much. And you tie in your worth to something that happened to you and to something that happened in the past. And the past is, honestly, like when you say fall in love with your future more than your past, fall in love with possibility and be more attached to possibility. I think that that is the most powerful practice anyone could have in their life. And that’s something that I do with meditation, where that’s part of my morning intention is to intentionally sit down on a pillow every morning, and quiet my mind and focus more on what I want to create than what has created me.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Right? Oh my god, so, so powerful.

Nicole Laino
And how long did this take you? How long was your journey from when you left to to where you started to turn it around to where you really started to see it, you know, catch fire like it has.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
So I would say if I really look back at the time, it took about five years of consistent work to see things changing. You can’t you can’t let go of the ball. You cannot let the balls drop. You got to be on yourself like you’re you and your life that you’re creating has to be the project nothing else should matter besides you. And and I looked at my kids and I went I’ve I’ve got to do this every day was it was about them. And let me tell you there were days I didn’t want to do it. They would take they would days I just cried. They were days I was having a pity party. And then I would allow myself that I was like, Okay, have your pity party, cry and call your friends and tell them you’re having a pity party. And then you gave yourself a time limit how much of a pity party do you need two hours, four hours a day. And then you got to pull on your big girl panties on and make this happen, girl, okay, you are the queen of your life and do this thing. Because if you’re not everyone else is going to tell you it’s either default or design. There’s no other choice. So after about five years, I started noticing something started changing. And I started volunteering places, making crazy cool cat videos and really bad stuff. Let me tell you, okay, everything I did was bad, bad, bad, bad. But you got to do the bad stuff. But the good stuff to come out, right? Like the videos were bad, the articles were bad, the talks were bad. But you you have to do all that because, and somewhere inside, I had to fall in love with failing as well. I even coined the phrase, f f f fail forward faster, fail forward faster. The faster I fail, the faster I do, the faster the good stuffs coming. And then around, I think around the six year mark, I had this idea that I could actually start charging people. And then what I thought, What a concept. And then I met these couple of guys who told me about best seller publishing. So I hired them, let me tell you, I bartered a lot because I didn’t have a lot of money. But I had enthusiasm I have things I could do. So I got super resourceful, and creative about how to get things done. And they showed me how to do this. And I wrote a book I’d written like a bunch of books before, nothing happened again, bad bad, you got to go through that. And then around 2017, I wrote a book in the beginning of the year. And it was called My niche market at that time. And you got to go through a whole bunch of niches to figure out which one works for you. And the niche was divorced Muslim woman. And I wrote a book called How to be a Muslim woman, divorced and totally confident. So controversial. Everybody got their underwear in the knot. Okay, it was like in hit number one in 24 hours. And oh, my God, I you know, it was so weird. Perception is everything. So you can be so smart. But if the world doesn’t think you’re smart, no one’s going to invite you. I was just as smart the day before that book, hit number one, okay. But when the book hit number one, everybody wanted to hire me. I didn’t have a program. Everybody wanted this. I was like, Oh, my God, this alive is outside my factory and I don’t have goods. That was me. So funny. And then people were like, can you come and speak on this stage? Can you come and speak on this stage? And then the imposter syndrome hit? It was like, What? What has happened? Is this me? Was it too good to be true? All the nonsense lies come up again. So I wrote The second book that year called from x to extraordinary, which also hit number one. And then Nicole, my annual income became my monthly income. And that’s what happened. So that’s the story, you know, just

Nicole Laino
and Oh, my goodness, like, I have so many notes. I’m like, where do I what do I go to next? What are some of the things I just want to highlight because we just we just, you just dropped so much on everybody. But a couple of things that stood out for me there is just it’s either default or design your life is either by default or design. And and then the failing forward faster that you like, what kept coming to me with with both of those things was you create your future through your failure?

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Oh, my God. Yes. Yes, my darling. Yes.

Nicole Laino
And so many of us are afraid of the failure. We are afraid to take a wrong step that we take no step and we stay right where we are in default.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I know. I know. And what if, what if we looked at this world as a school and this is the dreaded wrong exercise? Oh my god. This is the get it wrong exercise, honey, just get it wrong.

Nicole Laino
And if the if the purpose is to get it wrong, then you’re giving yourself permission to fail then you’re giving yourself permission to move forward in faith and accepting failure not just as a possibility, but you’re aiming for it because you just like you know what, let me screw this up, and I’ll learn from it. You Because the result right The purpose is to learn and and learn from that and then move forward from there. So like, incredible. So you with your your two best sellers, that first book very controversial like you said the topic itself was controversial us stepping out in the Muslim community as a divorced woman telling them that not only should they like that it’s okay to be divorced, it’s okay to feel like you are you and you are powerful woman. And how powerful is that message and people responded so well to it. I was interesting to me, as you talked about, you know that that was when the imposter syndrome kicked in. Because I think a lot of people, the misconception is that, I will get the success, I will get the thing, and then I will feel worthy, then then all of the feelings, all the belief, and everything will start to come with me as I get the stuff as these milestones. But it’s funny because you’re still the same person. Yeah. With all the same insecurities with all the same thoughts and beliefs, and all the same, nothing changed in you until like, just exterior stuff changed. So what did you have to change in between that first book, and that second book, where you did start to show up, as you know, as you say, claim your queendom? Usual? And what what was that process? Then? Did you just keep doing more of the same thing? Or was it different now that you had the exterior success?

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I think we go through this whole it’s like a circular mountain. If you’re growing, if you’re climbing up this mountain, and, and the goal, the end goal is the top of the mountain. It’s never a straight line. And I actually think we’re going around the mountain. And when you’re on this side of the mountain, you feel confident and meaner. On the side, you’re feeling non confident when you’re under this. And I, I have to just be okay with the fact that these impostor feelings are going to come up periodically. And so what I did was I created a strategy for myself. And the strategy was when I was actually feeling confident, I wrote a strategy where I’d say, okay, when this imposter syndrome thingy thingamajig, this ugly little wolf shows up, what am I going to do? And I said, Okay, I’m going to bring in my energetic healing. I’m going to reach out to this particular person, I’m going to read this book, I’m going to do my Dr. Joe meditation, all of my teachers and Gregg Braden, and all of the people that have been part of my journey, and I look at every single person, whether I paid them money or not, whether I worked with them, they went to a conference, or I watched a YouTube, they were adding pebbles to my little stream as I crossed the stream. So when I was in my confidence stage, I would write down the strategy. So when this happens, what shall I do? Because let me tell you, when I’m in my pity party, and I’m in the middle of my poop, I can’t even think straight. Okay. I am like, so Oh, my God, I’m not the person and wha whiny and all of that. And I said, I need to create a strategy for myself and lock myself up in my room or go get a hotel because I don’t even want to be around my kids. When I’m in such a pity party. I’m in a pickle. And so what do I do the moment you recognize this Fatima, go get a hotel room, get on a plane, go somewhere else, lock yourself up in your room, put posted notes everywhere to tell people that you are having a huge pity party, and then follow the strategy. But it’s going to happen no matter what existential or outside or external circumstances change. Because here’s the thing we call I’m forever upping the game. I’m continually moving the moving the goalposts. So every single time when my coach says double your prices, I’m just like, impostor syndrome, flags waving, right? So that’s the strategy I create. And, and the other thing I did is that I started becoming deaf to my old beliefs. So let’s say I hired a new coach, and the coach says, double your prices, go do this, do this, go do a video every single day, whatever that thing is that they want you to do. I decided to make a deal with myself. As long as it was legal. I was not going to question it. And I was just gonna go do it. Because if I had already known how to do it, I would have done it.

Nicole Laino
I love I love But I but I really love so when you were feeling competent. So when you were in a moment you didn’t wait for something bad to happen. You just said, You know what I’m I know that imposter syndrome is something like I’m never gonna get over because new level new devil, yeah, the next time I want to achieve something new, this little voice, this little gremlin is going to is going to show up. And it’s going to try to tell me that no, no, right where you are is where you should stay. And how do I deal with that. And I love that you. And this is where you and this is what I teach to is having like just because it’s kind of metaphysical and mindset, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a process, it doesn’t mean that it’s there’s not a clear step by step or strategy that you can implement that gets you through to a better mindset to a better place. So you were like, you basically were like when when this imposter syndrome gets triggered, I’m going to do X, Y, and Z. And that should help me at least one bring my awareness to it. And to probably get me out of it. These are the these are the things that I know work that get me to where I need to go and get me back into a groove. So I love that. So tell us a little bit about how you help people and what you work with, because I know part of your back to the very beginning something that I wrote down because I wanted to get back to this I love I love the fact that you unapologetically say that you that you help women make more money than the men that they’re with. Which I think is is I love that you come at it from the start with that not work up to it, that you talked about that from the beginning, because talk about a limiting belief that most women have. Not only that, can they make more money than the men that they’re with? But should they? Are they worthy of that? So tell us a little bit about that. And how you work with people writing books and getting their voice heard? Oh, my

Fatima Omar Khamissa
God, that’s such a great question. I mean, look at the world we live in, right? Hollywood, women are paid less. Executives, corporations, women are paid less. In fact, there was a study that was done either in Forbes or time I don’t know, I read all these studies because I’m such a geek when it comes to women and, and money. And it says that women will finally have equal pay in whatever 19 2000 Donkey years, I will not be alive, my daughter won’t be alive. Okay, it looks like 26 I don’t know, 2200 or whatever I’m thinking, not even the new baby that was born yesterday is going to be alive to see that. How do they even know that which actually tells me it might not happen unless we take the bull by its horns we get on the stallion and we start writing this thing into the sunset. So yes, it is a permission thing. And I think when you look at what we do, and what you do, Nicole and I do we empower women, and to actually say something like, You know what, you’re gonna make more money than your surgeon husband. And let’s see what shows up for that woman because I’m, I like to trigger people because the ego wants to keep us stuck struggling and invisible. The ego wants to be comfortable on the couch, the ego wants the past, what’s familiar, and your soul and your spirit wants all of those opportunities and possibilities and what the future is going to bring and make a difference and find a cure and go out there and go conquer the world. And so I like saying things like every single year, you’re going to get more and more ravishing. What would it be like to be a queen? What is it going to be like to make more money than your surgeon husband? Or Elon Musk, right? And those kinds of things actually trigger people. And I want to know what the limiting beliefs are. You know, when someone says to me, Well, if Angelina Jolie doesn’t even make as much money as Brad Pitt, who am I? And I’m like, great. Let’s work on that. Let’s see what are those poverty, consciousness and belief systems and history that is keeping you not getting the goals that you want? So you drive around in circles, wondering, is it really you? And I’m saying no, it might not all be you. It might just be society that got you here. So for me when it comes to the coaching that I do and the publishing that I do, I like to go back to the really fundamentals and it’s like, women need to be seen and heard. And if you can take your past your pain, your skills and your expertise and package it into a beautiful bow of purpose and power and purpose. I fit. I’m your girl, I’m gonna show you how to do that baby, right? What do you want to do? Do you want to teach women something? You want to write a book? What do you want to do? Let’s, let’s figure this out together and see, where do you want to go? And if I’m the girl to help you? Ah, well, hell yeah.

Nicole Laino
I mean, women need to be seen and heard, like the two things that really, really stuck out to me there were that and then you know, your ego versus your soul. Just what’s your soul is what’s crying out to you. And your ego is the jerk on the side of the door on the other end of the door, holding it closed, and keeping your soul trapped. And I think that’s particularly true for women. But that that, that women need to be seen and heard, is, it’s often like, so women and entrepreneurship, this audience is going to be pretty much all entrepreneurs, and especially when you’re in that beginning to the middle stage of your business, and you’re you’re you don’t have the 100% belief just yet. And that first hurdle is really is really embracing the fact that you are worthy of being seen and heard. If that’s been my experience,

Fatima Omar Khamissa
that is so so true. So so true.

Nicole Laino
So I love the work that you do that that’s like that’s the first hurdle and you teach them how to do something that most people don’t think they have in them. I think all of us kind of wish that we could write a book like I think that’s a secret dream that pretty much all entrepreneurs I think have, I think that we all feel like we have a story to tell, and or something to teach and something to offer. But I would say that there’s a big, big percentage of us that say, like, oh, but that’s something that other people do.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I know, right?

Nicole Laino
Like, I’m not interesting enough, or I’m not an expert in that enough, or I don’t have enough to share people wouldn’t read my book. And then there’s the would they? So so how do you how do you approach that? Do people come to you with a full book idea? And they’re like, just show me how to do it? Or do people come to you sometimes with just like, I don’t know, I’m really scared. I think I have a story. But I don’t know. Can you help me?

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Yeah, that’s such a great question. I’ll give you a couple of examples. I do have people who have kind of written almost all of their books. And then I’m just like, Okay, let’s see what we can do with this. Um, and they’ve been writing this book for 10 years. And it’s been like an ongoing thing. And I’m like, Come on, dude, don’t you just want to get this thing out there in the next few months, like 10 years, you know, you had more hair back, then you’re not even recognizable, like, come on, right. And then we’ve got the other side of the scale where I have a woman coming to me and I’ll give you a client of mine, Athena. And she always had a dream, it was on her bucket list, like, I’m gonna write a book. So we met at Starbucks. And she was recommended to me by another client of mine. And she was like, I’ve got these two really great ideas. I’ve got my infertile story of like, what happened and adoption and all of that. And then I’m a mortgage broker, and I’ve got this book. So we just kind of spent an hour together, you know, no charge, just talking about the different ways of doing it. And she was like, Okay, I’m ready. I know which one it is, from all this stuff. We’re gonna write the mortgage book, and I want it to be a business book that’s going to position me as an authority and an expert. Okay, so your book becomes your business card. It’s a one year program, and she was like, oh, no, I’ll pay you double. I want it done in six months. And I was like, Okay, well, if you’ll do the work, let’s make this happened. And we guarantee the book will be in top 10. And we hit number one with her in multiple countries. She got like 200 new leads, her book is done. All of that’s happening. So that’s one example. I’ll give you another example of another client of mine. Her name is Shireen. She went through a really horrific situation. It’s all published. And she was a woman in India. And she started corresponding with someone back before the days of internet. Anyway, fast forward, the guys Laura’s her to Canada, makes all these wild promises to her. When she gets here. He locks her up. She’s a sex slave. She has three kids for this man. And today she is an author, a coach, a, an amazing human and public speaker. And the book opened all of those doors as she built her courage to go how how does someone want to hear my story is my store worthy and now she is making money because of that pain. And you know Rumi, the 14th century poet said, Nicole, do not get attached to your pain. Because one day Your pain will be your cure. And so what if your history is your superpower? And we can take your history and all of the things that we went through, and your life can be someone else’s guidebook? That’s what we do.

Nicole Laino
I love that. I mean, I like you. And I have such a similar perspective on things. So everything that you’re saying, I’m just like, yes. But that that idea that Dr. Joe is someone that I have followed and done his work for a long time as well, the May your past turn into wisdom, May and I think about that all the time, every time that I have a challenge. And I remind all of my clients have this, like every single thing that you have in your life, every challenge that’s there, what if you looked at it as I may not know the purpose for it now. But at some point, it will be revealed to me and I’ll look back on it and be like, that’s why I suffered them. Why that pain existed was so that I could be here right now. And help somebody else with it, or this will get me through this. A personal story that I’ll share, you know, that, that I recently had this feeling about somebody in my past, where something that really resonated with me was sometimes the people who hurt us the most are our greatest teachers. And not that you’re grateful for the pain, but that it had purpose, and they’re part of your journey. And all of that is part of your journey. So I I love that you’re, you give people their power back.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Absolutely. And we talk a lot.

Nicole Laino
And you and I both have that, that, that line that your story is your superpower. And you really show people how to harness their story and turn it into like their suit of armor.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I know and make a lot of money make more money than your male relatives. There’ll be a story.

Nicole Laino
And that too, and that too. So what do you say to somebody who’s just starting out? What do you say to somebody who is afraid to tell their story right now? Or where do they start trying to embrace and understand what their story is,

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I would say baby steps, like you don’t have to tell the world, the deepest, darkest secret and the one that pain that hurts you the most. Don’t go there yet. Go to your surface stories. Talk about something that happened last week, talk about the fact that, you know, I went to the grocery store, and then my debit card declined, you know, talk about something that, you know, you asked your child to clean up the room, and then they just gave you a funny look and didn’t do it. And allow yourself the courage and only go as far as you want to. And otherwise, what you’re doing is you’re comparing yourself to Nicole and Fatima and all of the other people and going Melissa tema can talk about her deepest, darkest secret, and I don’t, then I’m not as good. Take all that competition and delete all of that. Let me tell you, if you’re just starting out, and you’re scrolling through Instagram, and Facebook, and all of that most of what you’re looking at is fake. It’s not even true. So the only competition is who you were yesterday. And so I encourage everyone who’s listening to this, be gentle with yourself. This is not a race. It’s not a sprint. This is a long term marathon where you get to recreate yourself daily. So for example, if today you only did one affirmation, then do two tomorrow. That’s it. And then do two for the next few days. Right? And if you forgot to meditate, forgive yourself and start over just keep on forgiving yourself and be gentle. And find a why that is going to wake you up in the morning signed a why that is going to like be that little spark. You know, I remember when I was in in my abusive marriage, and I was in the shower, and I was crying Nicole I used to cry so much. I cried folding laundry, I cried cooking, I cried in the shower. And I prayed a lot because I’m a spiritual person. I’m also a religious person, and I would pray a lot. And I one day I’m in the shower and and I’m saying to God, I’m like, you know, I’m so afraid I’m afraid Have myself I’m afraid of my husband, I’m afraid of my in laws, I’m afraid of life itself. And I said to God, I said, you know, I know deep inside of me, there’s a little tiny, Fatima. And can you use my tears to grow her? Like, just help her to get courage, help her to grow, help it to be brave. And I would ask for these prayers. But I’m going to tell you something, Nicole. Prayer alone is not a plan. God is not going to come down and shower and shave you and God is not going to come clean your chicken and God is not going to come and cut your tomato for your salad. We have got to pull up our socks and wipe our tears. And yes, pray a lot. But if you’re not going to take action, and I didn’t put those five kids in the car, and I didn’t drive away, and I didn’t get a vision board from someone else’s recycle, and I didn’t do the action, and I didn’t volunteer in the jails. None of this would have happened. Because God will send you ideas and inspiration and opportunities, but he is not going to come and do it for you.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, it’s the so that right? So it’s like you pray for strength. You you open yourself up, you pray for openness, you pray for the strength, the knowledge, the wisdom, so that you can do what? Yeah, so that the imperfect action, the moving forward in faith, the failing forward faster, all of that is, that’s the key. And we often forget that, that we can I would say that, you know, and that’s kind of like the the inspiration for this podcast was we are all limitless. And I found a lot of I really gotten into I, I’m a type A person. So I love structure and strategy and all of that stuff. But that wasn’t getting me where I wanted to go. I had to do all of the mindset work, I had to do the meditation, I had to get in touch with myself, I had to get aligned and understand that, as I say the squishier side of, of business and of growth. But I still need the strategy. You can’t meditate your way to seven figures. There’s has to be action behind it. Like you were saying prayer is not a plan is part of it. That’s right. It gets us right, to do the other things that you need to do, to stay in action and to make great things happen for yourself.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Yeah, exactly. Prayer alone is not a plan, you’ve got to do both. You’ve got to do the hard work. And when it comes to people that have had tough lives and tough paths, and, and trauma and abuse and PTSD and violence, I really found a way to figure that out in my life to You said something really powerful. You know, there are going to be people that are going to hurt us. And those people are our greatest teachers. But what if we took it a step further? What if I said, I asked God for something I said to the universe, I want X, Y, Z, and the universe and God looked at me and said, Wow, she’s not quite ready. So we’re going to turn universe into university. And she’s going to go through a training. And what if all of the things I went through was the answer to my prayer. Because I was trained to be ready to receive that million dollars. I was trained and ready to receive that soulmate. I was trained and ready to be in the best shape of my life. Right? What if it was all training to get you ready for who you’re meant to be?

Nicole Laino
I love that, and all I could get in my head was like, so if you want to be a Navy Seal, they’re gonna put you through hell, and make you a Navy SEAL. So do you want to be like the Navy SEAL? Or the Mossad agent or the you know, whatever, whatever military I just, that’s what I kept getting to like, they go through hell, literally, I think they call it Hell Week, where they basically take you to like the brink of death, so that you are trained to go out and defy death every day. And I feel like that’s sort of what you’re saying is that, you know, when you ask the universe for something and you say, I want to be the Navy Seal of my life, I want to run and and experience and do and be at the highest level possible and then like, well, in order for you to be ready for that you need to go through this level of training. I love that.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
I know if if, if God in the universe had sent me all my clients 10 years ago, it would had been a big bust, I would not have known what to do with them how to do it, how to help them transform. And so I went through all of that. And I am the incredible human and the queen of my life today, because I went through the training.

Nicole Laino
Ah, I quite literally could talk to you all day. Like, we could just sit here and clear our calendars and chat. And that would be totally fine with me. But I do, I do have to let you get back to your life. And this has been so fun. And I know that people are going to want to stay in touch with you. Because I’m, you know, I’m addicted to you. So I’m sure that my listeners are as well. Where can they stay in touch with you get more of you. Tell them where they can find you.

Fatima Omar Khamissa
So the best and most effective place to find me you can Google me Fatima Omar, I’ll come up everywhere. But the best way is my Facebook tribe. Go to the tribe of spiritual entrepreneurs. All the good, yummy, amazing Queen hood stuff is all in there. You join all the other women in there. It’s an amazing community and I am on Facebook, I’m on a social media you can find me and I’m very, very good at responding to direct messages or anything. But that would be a really, really good place to start.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I’m actually I’m in that group because I like I’m, I’m not putting this on I, I love Fatima more than anything and her group is on fire. So the tribe of spiritual entrepreneurs, if you guys didn’t catch that, we are going to link that up in the show notes as well. So if you’re not writing that down, that’s okay, you can just hop down to the show notes and click the link when you are ready. Or you can google Fatima Omar. And you will get a list of all the things where you can find her her books and all and all of that stuff. Thank you so much for being here. This was such an amazing conversation. I know that this spoke to so many people who are listening right now and open them up and I’m sure that they will continue to follow you because you are amazing. Thank you,

Fatima Omar Khamissa
Nicole, I love you so much. Thank you for this podcast and all that you serve out there in the world. And thank you for having me. It’s been such an honor.

Nicole Laino
Thank you. And thank you to everybody who’s listening. Thank you for staying till the end. Guys. I want you to always remember, everything that we talked about in this episode is everything that we are about you are limitless. That is what the show is about. And I want you to always remember that this is your little reminder that you are only limited by the limitations you accept. You are a limitless entrepreneur. Thank you so much for being here and I will see you on next week’s episode. Thank you

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