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Episode #106 Integrating Your Health & Human Design with Hope Pedraza

This week we have Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Hope Pedraza on the show to share with us how our human design can actually affect our physical health and well being. If you’ve been listening to this podcast a while, you probably understand how your human design can affect your mental health and business performance, but living out of alignment can also have direct affects to your physical health as well.

Hope works with her clients to heal their gut, balance their minds, and feel good in their bodies again, using their human design to help them understand themselves more deeply and how to best serve their bodies.

Hope & Nicole discuss:

  • How learning about Human Design has changed Hope’s life and business
  • What considerations each Human Design type must take into account when planning their health and wellness routines
  • The different centers that can directly correlate to our internal organs and how that manifests in our physical body
  • The simple way she helps her clients identify when they’re out of alignment and what they can do about it


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Nicole Laino 

Hello and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. And I’m here with a guest today. Miss Hope Pedraza is with us. She’s a certified holistic nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner, and host of hopeful and wholesome podcast. Hope helps career driven women to heal their gut balance their minds and feel good in their bodies again, hope is also a mom, a serial entrepreneur and the founder of a Pilates based franchise in balanced studio. Hi, how are you Hope? Welcome to the show.

Hope Pedraza 

Thanks for having me, Nicole.

Nicole Laino 

What did I say? Like the saying before we started, you know, two sentences hardly sums up a person. So what did I miss in that bio? Please introduce yourself to the audience. Yeah,

Hope Pedraza 

I mean, I think you’ve pretty much hit all the main topics. But yeah, I, I am NMF DNP. I’m a holistic nutritionist. And I just help women heal their bodies. I started out. So you mentioned my Pilates studio. That’s kind of where I started out, my background was in dance, and I was a dancer for 20 some odd years of my life got into Pilates. And then from Pilates kind of just expanded into just kind of wellness in general. And so now I have the I have the kind of they have the best of both worlds. I have my brick and mortar. And then I get my online business where I get to help people from all over the world. So it’s pretty cool.

Nicole Laino 

Beautiful. Are you 2/4

Hope Pedraza 


Nicole Laino 

3/5? Okay. So you were going to talk today about human design, about health. And really how it you know, we were talking earlier about like eating habits and how human design can actually inform us about our health. And I would love to that’s, that’s totally out of I love this because it’s I’m immersed completely in human design. But this is a step to the side of an area that I haven’t even I haven’t delved into other than understanding some of the digestion and things in our chart, but putting it into specific practice. I’m excited to have this little Convo today. Yeah, too. So how do you approach? Well, first of all, what is your design? So everybody knows, I think that it helps sometimes to understand when you’re hearing somebody, how are they? How are they like, oh, that’s like me?

Hope Pedraza 

Yeah, yeah, for sure. So I am a manifesting generator. And I’m a three, five, but the sacral authority.

Nicole Laino 

Okay. So you’re in and tell us how you use human design? How did you come across Human Design and decide to like, I’m going to use this in my practice?

Hope Pedraza 

yeah. So I found it. A few years ago, I was doing some work with a spiritual business coach. And it was kind of like this little bitty piece. She wasn’t like a human design expert, per se. But it was like this little piece of recourse that just kind of helped me dip my toe in the water. And, you know, I did my charter, whatever. And just basically just learn, you know, what it was a type and all that. And she didn’t go into detail. But I’m like, this is completely fascinating. Like, I just immediately just started going down the rabbit holes. And so I just kept reading about it and learning more about it. And I, I found another girl online, who I feel like we’re like kindred spirits, because I’ve done all these programs with her. But she did a couple of readings for me and helped me learn more about it and more about me. And it was when I did those readings with her that I was like, holy cow, like this is this is nuts. And it’s like, we were talking before we hit record. It’s like, like, how do you know everything about me, like you’re reading my human design. And I know, it sounds so cheesy. And I’ve said this so many times before, but I felt like I was a) meeting myself for the first time. But then b) I was meeting an old friend, like I knew that person because it’s me. But then you know, there’s so much of this shadow stuff that we try to hide, we feel like, you know, we need to change or whatever or feel bad about like how we are. And it’s like, no, this is me. This is how it was designed. And I just found it totally validating, and liberating, and just mind blowing, like, all at the same time. And so I was able to I mean, it literally transformed how, like, my relationship with myself, my relationship with my business, and my relationship with other people, how I looked at others, I mean, it just changed everything. And so as I started implementing it into my own life, and like diving deeper, and I decided to like you know, take a course on it, that kind of thing. I felt like this was a perfect thing to add to what I was doing with my clients and my functional nutrition practice. You know, when we talk about functional nutrition, we’re talking about dealing with the body from like a holistic perspective, right? And it’s the mind it’s the body, it’s the soul, like you can’t treat one without the other like you cannot separate them. And I felt like this human design piece was like this soul piece that’s missing from the functional nutrition piece. And, you know, why not help people understand themselves better. I want to help people maybe learn about them. Tell us for the first time. And why not help it. It’s just it’s an awareness tool, right? It’s like just building more awareness. And I am huge on like, self awareness and body awareness, all that because we obviously can’t change what you’re not aware of. Right. And it goes with, you know, nutrition and wellness. But it goes with that part too, with like this soul spirit piece, it’s like, you don’t understand how things work until you understand how you were designed, you know, and so I wanted to be able to integrate all of that with, you know, obviously, the nutrition piece and helping women I work with women who have chronic issues, whether it’s hormone, thyroid, autoimmune, but having this piece where they can also understand themselves better, and understand how they work, why they work the way they do, and help them implement that into like, their wellness practices.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, and as you were, as you were explaining that, and kind of and kind of running through it, I kept coming back to when you talked about like, when you mentioned autoimmune at the end, you know, stress is such a contributing factor to, to conditions like that. And one of the stresses that we have is trying to figure ourselves out. Why do I do this? Why is this like this? Why is that like that? So there is something just to getting your chart read, and understanding you on a deeper level that calms you down. Gives you permission to kind of look at it and just be like, oh that’s just the way I am.

Hope Pedraza 


Nicole Laino 

And that’s just the way they are.

Hope Pedraza 

Yep, exactly.

Nicole Laino 

My husband told me the other day, we were talking about, because he’s oddly interested in this. He’s never been interested in anything I’ve done before. But he’s like, this one makes sense. And I was like, that’s shocking to me that you think that. Because you’re so not the person I felt like, because it’s pretty out there for sure. And, and he said, he was like, it’s softened you. Like, understanding human design has softened you with other people, meaning it’s made me more accepting of others. Because I’ve been more accepting of myself and recognizing that like, oh, that’s just the way I’m built. That’s just the way you’re built. And it’s it’s freaky, when you read someone’s chart, and you see a trait that you always knew was there. And then you look at it, and you’re like, oh, no, it’s actually there. Oh, look, and it’s conscious and unconscious. And that’s why it’s so strong. And the, there’s crazy stuff in there. So I understand, that was just one of the things that that jumped out at me that just the stress level of like a comfort level that you have with yourself, and with the world is deepened with human design,

Hope Pedraza 

for sure. Well, and that’s really the lens that I see, like, when we’re looking at wellness through the lens of human design, I think that that’s exactly what it is. It’s like, you know, we, we spend, many of us spend the majority of our lives, you know, living with the shoulds, right, how we should do this, how I should do that, how I should do this. And, you know, whether it’s conditioning, or societal pressures, or, you know, our family, or whatever it is that’s made us think that we need to live by these shoulds. That’s what creates resistance, because we’re living against our design, like we’re living the opposite of how we were designed. And that literally causes stress in the body, like you’re talking about. Being something that you are not designed to be. Doing things that you are not designed to do. So of course, it’s going to, you know, it’s gonna lead to burnout and exhaustion, and immune issues, and all these other things in the body, because you’re literally going the opposite direction of what your design is. So I feel like, that’s exactly what it is, it’s being able to let go of that stress of living with the shoulds. And just living as you know, in alignment with how we were truly designed to be. And living with, like, ease and flow.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, and I love that. So So talk to me a little bit about how you work with it when someone’s coming to you for a health issue. What are you taking into account? And, and I get the sense that you do work with some entrepreneurs, people who are who are more business focused. So how are you taking these two things of because entrepreneurs generally are pretty interested in like, you know, how do I do more? How do I perform better? Performance focused? So how are you what what’s the approach that you take to viewing performance through the lens of health and then layering human design on to that?

Hope Pedraza 

Yeah, yeah, the biggest thing for me, and I keep it pretty, you know, depending on the person some people want to go deep, but I keep it pretty like bird’s eye view for them. And for me, the most important thing is for them is understanding their type, you know, their authority, a couple of the centers to find verses and to find it and just kind of the main parts there because understanding their type is really first and foremost, because that’s going to help me explain to them like what their best sleep habits patterns should be and how they best eat and how they best you know, workout and how to choose the best like And then also helps me to kind of figure out their protocol to like, for example, I’m using me as an example, because I’m a manifesting generator, we don’t exactly like be being put in a box, we don’t exactly like being restricted by things. And so giving a manifesting generator, like a really structured, eat this, eat this, eat this, like, it’s not going to work. So being able to, you know, have some creativity with that, and some fluidity with people like that, like, manifesting generators and generators, that there’s some more like freedom built in building in some more freedom there. And then things like sleep like like taking reflector as an example, knowing that there are so so so sensitive to the energy around them that they’re taking and all day, you know, being, you know, having them build time at the end of the day to kind of decompress and separate themselves from energy of the day before they go to sleep. Otherwise, you know, we’re going to talk about sleep issues a lot like our conversations are going to be talking a lot about sleep, because they haven’t given given themselves that time. And that space, kind of like discharged from the day. So using just examples like that of understanding what your type is, how it works, how it interacts with other people, in kind of planning, our, you know, nutrition, the movement, exercise piece, the sleep piece, the stress management piece, like all those pieces together.

Nicole Laino 

And you mentioned centers, are there particular centers that you focus on whether they are defined or undefined. Are there. Are there things within the chart that you’re looking at for people? So we’ve got type and, and I understand like, maybe, maybe, let’s back up a little bit. If you went through each of the types, what are some of the things that you highlight, you mentioned manifesting generators, we’re not going to stress them out by telling them that they have to do something one way because that might work for like, a couple of days. They’re really excited about it. And they’re like, and then I go through this mess. Yeah. Can’t hold me down. Exactly. Exactly. And they’re like, I’m such a failure, because it stick to me. Everyone tells me where to flake, I am. Yes. But so we mentioned manifesting generators, you mentioned reflectors with get sleep schedule, and making sure that they are giving themselves some time to and what what we’re talking about there is giving them time with all of their openness, you’re taking in all that information from other people, all of that energy from other people all day, every day, that you’re giving yourself time by yourself. Yep, to shed that. Yep. And clean that out. Yep. Do that mostly when you sleep, but if you leave it all to sleep, you’ll have crummy sleep.

Hope Pedraza 


Nicole Laino 

That just to give anybody we haven’t talked a ton about reflectors on the show. And I found out my best friend from high school is a reflector nice and so much may explain so much. Right? When she said that she just called me and she was like, I found out I’m a reflector. That’s what you do, right? I was like, oh, we need to talk girl. Right? So So manifesting generators, reflectors. Now let’s go through the other three types and just see what else jumps out. Yeah, that someone can take away.

Hope Pedraza 

So let’s see, let’s say generators. So generators, you know, they’re here to do what lights them up what brings them pleasure and joy in the moment. And I find that’s really helpful when talking about food and exercise too. Again, going back to that, like living by the shoulds, right? And you think, well, I should be running because that’s going to make me lose weight, but they hate running. Well, then don’t run like find something else. That’s fun to do. Like doing and same with food. I don’t really want to eat keto, but I should eat keto, because it’s gonna make me lose weight and don’t eat keto. Right, like so. Should is the operative word here. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Nicole Laino 

That’s exactly your kryptonite to the generator family. So

Hope Pedraza 

it is it’s exactly it. Yes. So you know, eating what excites you doing the you know, the exercise movement that excites you just keeping that like fun and pleasure, like in everything that you do is really important for generators. And then with generators and manifesting generators, you know, we’ve got a lot of energy and I always like compare it to like a puppy like yep, let the puppy run out in the yard for a while let it get else energy out. Like we have to do the same thing and I find that can also affect their sleep both generators and manifesting generators not getting out all the energy like did you move enough today? Did you get everything out of your head that needed to get out of your head, that kind of thing?

Nicole Laino 

Because then you’re not exhausted at the end of the day, which is how generators are supposed to. We’re supposed to run the battery out exactly, run it up and then collapse and then wake up the next day and you feel like a million

Hope Pedraza 

that’s it that’s it you start over That’s exactly it. And then and then the opposite is true with manifest errs right and I find there’s some conditioning a lot of times or deconditioning that that takes place with manifest errs especially if they’re you know, they’re working around generators manifesting generators or they’re in a relationship with a journal and manifesting generator is they feel that pressure to like keep going till exhaustion manifest errs are not meant to do that like manifest errs are meant before like to stop before they get to that exhaustion piece and I find a lot of times that burnout is it’s just that pressure to you know, I need to keep going but no like you’re not meant to do that. Like you’re you don’t have the energy that an NG has. So understanding like where like setting boundaries understanding like where their limits are for manifest errs. And kind of bringing in that intuitive piece to it and understanding that, you know, their, their energy type is going to be completely different than other energy types. And, and really, I think, when they do feel that exhaustion, that’s a good, that’s a good sign to like kind of flex figure out where things are out of alignment here, like, let’s figure out where I’m wasting my energy where I’m spinning, you know, energy and places, maybe I shouldn’t. And then and then kind of moving with their, like the energetic waves that they have to and kind of bringing an intuitive piece into it that way where, you know, manifest errs, they have these like action phases where they’re doing things right, then they have these rest phases, and bringing in that intuitive piece of those phases where their energy kind of fluctuates. And knowing that, you know, when they’re in these action phases, maybe they do eat more, you know, calorie dense foods, maybe they’re doing more high intensity exercise, but when there’s this resting phase, we need to shift that and really, like honor the energy where they are in those resting phases.

Nicole Laino 

projectors and

Hope Pedraza 

projectors, yes, projectors. So for projectors, this sort of thing is interesting, because it’s like kind of the opposite of what I was saying about manifesting generators, I find that that projectors can do really well with like, a structured way of eating and I don’t want to say restrictive because I’m not a fan of restrictive anything, but they do well with structured ways of eating. Because it’s less it’s less thought and energy they have to put into it right and so you know, eating the Mediterranean diet or eating paleo like things like that, like they do well eating a kind of more structured ways. And I find they can really thrive doing it that way. And then again, talking about honoring your like energetic waves, right? Since projectors aren’t they’re not meant to work all day long. Like Madame Eva has written about this the other day, because my son is a projector. And so when I was talking about his energy and stuff, and he was like, Well, what about projectors that have a nine to five job I’m like, that’s like a nightmare for a projector like a lot of projectors burnout, because it’s just not how they were designed to work, you know, unless they’re able to take breaks and stuff throughout the day. But, but bringing that into your everyday life to where it’s like, okay, let’s like turn the battery off, take a break, and then and then you can recharge and then keep going rather than just trying to push through the day and get through the eight, nine hour workday or whatever. So honoring those, again, like knowing that. And even at night too, I find projectors just record more sleep, like they just need more rest and just being able to honor that.

Nicole Laino 

And now we’ll get to where I backed up from where I was like, I’m getting ahead of myself, let me pull back. You mentioned centers, are there specific things in your in the chart beyond type that you’re looking for, or that you’ve noticed after working for somebody that you’ve kind of backed into that like, Oh, I see this correlation between like, like, you know, immediately my mind goes to the spleen. Is there something with the spleen? Yeah. Where people who have an undefined spleen like, you know, to tell me, what have you discovered through your work?

Hope Pedraza 

Yeah. So I find the ego center I find is important that center of like willpower, I find that that one comes up a lot and being able to is totally, totally, and being able to explain that to people like why am i Wait, why do I not have any willpower? Well, it’s literally not there for you

Nicole Laino 

to do it’s just not going to be here when all the time when exactly exactly the opposite of what we’re taught.

Hope Pedraza 

Exactly, exactly. So helping people understand themselves. In that sense, I find that that center pops up a lot, the spleen for sure I find this the spleen, you know, it’s that center for intuition, which is a big piece of all of this. And that’s one thing that I always I’m always encouraging my clients is really like being able to tune into that intuitive just just in general, but especially when it comes to wellness, and being able to tune into that intuitive piece. But you know, the splenic center also deals with your immune system, and health and intuition, all those things. So it is important helping people understand. You know, looking at the gate, I don’t talk a lot about gates, and I’m not an expert on all of the gates, but I do like to look at the splenic gates and look kind of at those fears that come up, you know, a consistent basis and helping people kind of work through those and understand where those are coming from and how to kind of, you know, shift those. And then I do like the emotional center, I find there’s there’s a correlation there to our our detox organs. And I find that there’s no coincidence there. I find that as you know, there’s a lot that goes on in this center a lot that doesn’t get processed in this center. And that leads to a lot of things. I mean, emotions are literally chemicals in the body. They’re literally chemicals stored in the body and when we they don’t get managed and dealt with and they’re just stuck. It’s just stuck in and that’s what turns you know, it turns just toxicity in the body. And so I find that there’s no coincidence that that that particular sinner is associated with those detox organs like your kidneys and your bladder, your pancreas and Those things that it really does, I find that it it, there’s a lot that that needs to be dealt with, which is why, you know, part of my program, I have a friend of mine, and she does you know, NLP just EFT she does. So I bring in a lot of that too for them to be able to help, like work through that emotional piece too, because that’s a huge, it’s a huge thing. And I find to, you know, when I, when I first meet with clients, I have a lot of questions about have you had, you know, trauma in your life, you know, have you had traumatic events, emotional, you know, all this stuff. And a lot of times they kind of like Brush, brush over it or graze over it. And then the more we work together, I end up finding out like, oh, I had this like crazy, terrible eating disorder for 10 years of my life. And I’m like, you know, like, no wonder your body is a hot mess. Like, we’ve never dealt with this. We’re not even talking about it. But you know, that center, I feel like it’s such an important center, just working through so many things there from that center, that that’s an important one to hone in on.

Nicole Laino 

Knowing I love that, and I love it. And that’s the thing about like human design, people say like, what’s the most important thing? It depends on the chart depends on the person depends on their history totally. But But what’s so beautiful about it is you do have a map, there is something that you can work with, there is something where you could say like, oh, well, you feel paralyzed by fear. Let’s take a look at the ways that fear might be showing up for you. And there’s something that’s automatically relaxing that when you go through the fear gates, which I have tons of them active, like lean is lit up. And I’m just like, No wonder I deal with this all the time. But but you can go through those fear gates. And you can say like, oh, it’s like, I have the fear of the future. And the fear of the past repeating itself, those two things. And you combine that with some of the other energies in my chart, and I’m like, Oh, I could see why these are things that lock me up. But immediately though, knowing that it changes my relationship to that fear, where it’s like, this is just a firing of an energy within me. It’s not actually based on anything. It’s just happening. Just like if you’re emotionally defined, emotions just happening. That doesn’t have to be something external that causes you to be emotional. You’re just I was emotional yesterday. I have no reason why everything was fine. It was a great day. But I was just like, I don’t know, more funky. Luckily, my funks don’t go down very far anymore, because I’ve raised that baseline. But But I still notice it. I still like I can tell there’s a difference between that and when I’m like riding high. But that’s like you said it’s a chemical process. It’s just something that’s happening. And that changes your whole relationship to it, where you’re not trying to make sense of it. You’re not trying to get rid of it, because you won’t, right. It’s going to be there. Yep, stuck with it. Yep. So get cozy, and start to start to build a friendship with it to some degree.

Hope Pedraza 

Yeah. When I love what you said about like that baseline, because I think that’s the other important thing is, you know, under using this as a as an awareness tool and understanding yourself. And then I kind of used that we do a lot with like stress management and nervous system regulation, and all of that. And I think the human design is such a huge piece of that, again, because you’re understanding yourself. So you’re able to, like you’re saying kind of manage things a little differently. But but that’s what it’s all about. It’s just building that looks like raising that baseline, it’s just building resiliency in the body, so that you’re raising that baseline. So you don’t you don’t have to, you know, hit rock bottom and then work your way back up anymore. Like, yeah, your emotions are going to fluctuate, your stress is going to fluctuate, but it’s just building that higher baseline so that you’re able to keep yourself in a more regulated state to keep you out of that exhaustion state that that stressful state.

Nicole Laino 

Exactly like a you know, the your emotional wave like that is going to happen. And it’s going to have this kind of predetermined path that it’s going to take you on the roller coaster ride isn’t going to change. Yeah, but what will change is, is the roller coaster ride on solid ground where you’re just experiencing different levels of air and height above the ground? Or is it underwater? Where you are when you go through the lows, you’re suddenly drowning? Yeah, and then there’s only moments where you come above that and you lower the water level. As you empty the emotional cup. Totally. And you go to like I use EFT for that with with my work. It’s it’s about, let’s clear the slate, let’s empty the cup to give you greater capacity than if something hits you, you know, you you suddenly go into an emotional state for no reason. It may only fill the cup like a tiny little bit where you almost don’t even notice it. Yeah. You just know you’re walking around with a little extra weight. Yeah, right. That’s a little off. Yeah. And so how does this relate to people’s businesses? So just just wanting to tie that in a little bit here of particularly, not just human design, but overall health, your health? Why? Because I do think that entrepreneurs are we’re so driven, sometimes whether we should be or not. But we’re so ambitious, and looking at the goal that we forget to look and say, am I taking care of me? Yep. And I’ve noticed that the more I take care of me, and, and really make me a priority, my health and my body, just the more vibrant I am, the more able I am to to perform at a high level. But what do you see with people? And what is your most I know, you work a lot with gut health? And how do you see how do you see body consciousness and health awareness playing out for entrepreneurial

Hope Pedraza 

printers? Well, it’s like you said, I mean, when when you, when you take care of you, you have more of you to get right, you have more of you to perform and have more of you to give to your, your team or your family or whoever. And that’s really what it is. I mean, it’s, I work with a lot of work this much printers, and then a lot of just professionals like I work with women. So they’re, they’re professional, they’re entrepreneurs, and they’re all very driven. And they’re all, you know, have goals. And they also have, you know, families and they, you know, they have a bunch, they have a bunch of stuff going on. And for most of them, they’re talking about living by the shoulds, they’ve always put themselves, you know, at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of take care, and then they then they get to the point where they’ve reached the rock bottom, and then they’re like, Well, now, now I have no choice but to take care of myself. And so I think that it’s the perspective shift is putting yourself which was, which I know, for women, it’s hard to put yourself first, but that really is the perspective shift. It’s understanding that the reason you’re putting yourself first is because and I hate that whole cliche thing about the oxygen mask in the airplane thing, but it really, it really is true. Like it really is true, like you really can’t take anybody out, take care of anybody else. You can’t give any more of yourself when when you’re not taking care of yourself. So I think it’s understanding

Nicole Laino 


Hope Pedraza 

like the long term implications of not taking care of yourself the long term implications of just putting your health on the backburner, and at some point, you’re gonna have to deal with it, whether it’s now or later, like, at some point, you’re gonna have to deal with it. And I think that, you know, with entrepreneurs, we’re so focused on, like, you’re saying performance, right, and the goal of our bitwixe monetary goal, or it’s the growth goal, or whatever, but there’s literally no way you’re going to hit any of your goals, if your health goes down the pooper. Like there’s no way for you to do that when, when your adrenals are shot, when you’re immune, you’re getting sick all the time, because your immune system is shot, when your guts out of whack, it’s, you don’t have enough energy to give of yourself, you don’t have any more of yourself to give. And it goes back to what I said before, about kind of looking at wellness through the lens of human design, like you’re spinning all this excess amount of energy forcing and pushing. When if you were just to kind of sit back and, and build like this vessel up in, you know, in to like a more vibrant building more vitality, then that’s how you get to point B, that’s how you get to, you know, accomplish those performance goals. It’s taking care of the vessel that’s getting you there.

Nicole Laino 

And do you find that human design even just because I find this, but I’m curious if in your work with people coming to you specifically for health, help, assistance and support in that realm? Do you find that even just following strategy and authority, that focusing on the soul, focusing on the energetic side, sort of slows them down naturally enough to pay attention to like, it’s a grounding sort of practice and expanding as well? Do you find that with with people that it kind of, it’s by giving them this strategy to follow that it it causes them to not just move in perpetual motion?

Hope Pedraza 

Totally, absolutely. I mean, and really, that’s what seeing it beginning like I really take a pretty like basic look at it when I’m helping music unit using it with my clients because I really think this strategy, the authority, and you’re tight like this, almost all you need like to get yourself going with this. And I did an interview a few weeks ago, and she asked me like, What do you think the most important piece of the chart is? Which is a really hard question to answer. But I love that question. Because it does it does. And I said if I had to pick one, I’m gonna say your strategy or your not self theme, because that’s really like you’re saying I think that’s what keeps you in check. Like for me, I feel frustration okay, something’s off. Like let me figure out what’s out of alignment here. Like that’s, that’s the only thing I need to know if I’m frustrated. Okay, let me take a step back. And I that’s one of the pieces I hone in on with my clients is that not self them in this strategy? Understanding that that’s the only sign you need to know that you’re out of alignment like because they’re like, Oh, how do I know if this side this Just out of line with this, there’s no blanket. That’s the only thing you need to know. Are you angry? Are you bitter? Are you Are you frustrated? Like that’s all you need to know. And that’s the only thing like you’re saying it does make you kind of step back and slow down and figure out okay, let’s reassess the situation and see how I can shift that and get out of that, you know, that not self name of fresh or what, you know, frustration, whatever it is, but it really is, and I have a client the other day, she sent me a message. And she told me that, that she was like, I am finally understanding how to implement my human design that you talked about it, she was she was like, I realized that she’s a manifesting generator as well. I was frustrated the other day, and she told me this whole long story, but it’s like she it, it clicked. And she’s like, I was able to recognize what the trigger was, and be able to, like, you know, reconfigure the situation kind of thing, but it really does, it makes you kind of stop and stand back and look at things a little different.

Nicole Laino 

Yeah, and that frustration, the not self theme is such a, it’s such an incredible tool, because it’s so simple. And you can discount these things, but they’re simple. It’s like a chatty beggar. Exactly located it, trust me the charts plenty complicated. So take the fact that that the at least the strategy and authority thing is pretty straightforward. That that knowing you’re not self theme, the frustration piece, that or you know, the anger piece, or or, you know, depending on your type, you have a different not self theme. But it is the flag, there’s something about like, I could tell you that you’re meant to be happy. We’re all meant to be happy. That if something is wrong, that if you’re not happy in your life, then something is wrong. And we could throw away that piece of advice. Because it sounds so simplistic and kumbaya that we’re just like, Yeah, whatever hippie, get out of here. But then when we when we get specific about it and show you that will frustration is the is the stop sign. That’s the that is the signal to you to say your specific one of how misalignment shows up for you. And all you got to do is pause. All you got to do is pause and inquire, pause and take a look. Observe what am I doing? What feels wrong to me that I’m doing that I I ultimately know I shouldn’t be doing? It doesn’t feel good to me. What a gift you give to yourself, but even asking that question, rather than just continually moving in that direction. And this is how the work if you just start there, it can have these profound these profound effects on your life, just by making these tiny steps into alignment to just pause. When you say like the pause, we’re giving you the exact space to pause when this happens. Pause, ask, observe. Yep. So I love this. And I love the work that you do. I love how because I’m always interested in hearing how human design is being used in people’s businesses and people’s lives. Because there are endless applications for it. It’s really, it’s such a beautiful system, and gives you this gorgeous map for life that just keeps unfolding and unfolding and unfolding in the most magical ways. So I appreciate you being here to share. To share your perspective and your wisdom on this. I really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Thanks so much for letting me share. Please tell everybody where they can learn more about you. Follow you hear more about what you do. Where can they get they get more at Pope.

Hope Pedraza 

Yeah, I am probably most active on Instagram. I’m at the hope Pedraza. I have a free Facebook group. It’s called Live wholesome and healthy and it’s just all things functional nutrition, functional wellness, and a little bit of human design sprinkled in. And then I have a podcast at Oberlin wholesome, you can check me out. They’re

Nicole Laino 

beautiful. And we will link all that up in the show notes for you. So we’ve got you covered there. Hope thank you for being here with us. And thank you for being a part of this conversation listener. We appreciate you. We literally wouldn’t be here without you. So thank you. Thank you for making it to the end of this conversation and being a part of it. And remember, you’re only limited by the limitations that you accept. And when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become limitless. So go out there and be limitless, my people. I will see you next time.

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